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damn internet.. i hate pc's

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  • damn internet.. i hate pc's

    since the other night there is absolutely no use for my vigin broadband. it will be fine one minute then all of a sudden stop working.
    i have set up a constant ping on to yahoo.com or some other site and i can see everything is how it should be with quick response times then all of a sudden 'time out' after 'time out'....

    called the bloke up on their hotline bumber 'hello my name is george....' no its not mate, you have an indian accent but anyway........
    he said he couldnt find anything wrong. i was on the phone for 30 - 45mins

    i have 2 pcs on same connection via router and this happens both are wired via cable. but anyway i revert back to just the cable modem and still the same. i replace the network cable still the same. then they expect me to pay full price bill AND take time off work for an engineer?!?!
    Oh Nana, what's my name?

  • #2
    I've got the same problem at the mo, but I am on tiscali, and using wireless router.
    The diagnostics tell me it's a problem with the router, so I may have to change it.

    It's a Belkin router, and had a Belkin wireless card adapter (bourght at the same time) fail after 3 months, so maybe the router's gone too.

    Still working for the man!


    • #3
      ive a belkin router, im on it now. i have to look at the cmd promt to make sure im getting replies from yahoo.com to see if i can click reply or whatever.
      but i get this prob even when i have disconnected the router and just use the cable modem.

      netgear is the vendor that dont like me or vista. keep giving me problems with their drivers and software install. since we got broadband its problem after problem.
      except when it works good then i can download 7Gb in about18 hours in the first couple of weeks of having it must of done 30gb easily
      Oh Nana, what's my name?


      • #4
        I keep getting told that internet explorer cannot show page, or that I have no internet connection even though I have a web page open in another window and it refreshes ok, or, when I try to reply to a post, I get the same message and if I go back the page I just left is still there and refreshes ok.

        It's driving me MAD!!

        I may have to take the laptop to a mate to check it on his internet connection, just to rule out any problems with the laptop or the software.

        Still working for the man!


        • #5
          open up command prompt (start > run, then type cmd and press enter)
          then type:
          ping yahoo.com -t

          and when you start having probs look at the window to see if your getting any time outs. you shouldnt be getting any really. but if your on wireless you might get one every 5 or 10 minutes or so, or more if next door has their microwave on or something (i used to get loads of timeouts within 5 mins, and then it would be fine again!)

          also look at the wireless networks around you, make sure your away from their channels. eg if the networks around you are on channel 1 & 4 you go to 10 or something like that. and get your signal strength up to 70% if you can or more. minimum 50%.
          on wireless i could play online games fine as long as the signal was ok..
          Oh Nana, what's my name?


          • #6
            I have PlusNet over a BT line using a NetGear G series, and most of the time it's fine, but just sometimes loses the connection, but I go to the manual connect option in the setup and its back within minutes....

            Not got any experience with this over cable though - although NTL/Virgin are notorious for rubbish service....
            Too old to care, young enough to remember


            • #7
              Originally posted by MudSurfer

              Not got any experience with this over cable though - although NTL/Virgin are notorious for rubbish service....
              absolutely. i had ntl when i was in farnborough. my phone was quicker on the internet sometimes.
              routerwise, the wireless things do need rebboting occaisionally as well.


              • #8
                Originally posted by MudSurfer
                Not got any experience with this over cable though - although NTL/Virgin are notorious for rubbish service....
                i was in the process of going with sky and their internet through their phone line BUT on the day the bt engineer came to activate the line it was left at the other end of the house and the computer is at the opposite end! i called within minutes of him leaving (i was at work) and they expected me to pay £100 and re-book and refused to help out any other way. i said cancel the phone. (if this is how they are going to be on the first day i wont bother)
                but virgin arnt all that (but they did give us 2 months internet charges back because of the fault) now its just something else happening
                Oh Nana, what's my name?


                • #9
                  In the modern times of wireless routers and such the phone being at the other end of the house wouldn't really be much of a prob, on the other hand running a phone extension is a piece of cake and the thin cable is barely noticeable on a skirting board. (Maybe I'm being far too pragmatic though....)
                  On a more serious note, I was with pipex (who were more like sh1tex when i cancelled them - those who remember the speedtest.net post may recall my upload was actually higher than my download speed) I switched to sky broadband and couldn't be happier, rock solid 2meg connection since it's install and it came with a free wireless router too.
                  Dyslexics of the world, UNTIE!!!!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by tonyppe
                    since the other night there is absolutely no use for my vigin broadband. it will be fine one minute then all of a sudden stop working.
                    i have set up a constant ping on to yahoo.com or some other site and i can see everything is how it should be with quick response times then all of a sudden 'time out' after 'time out'....

                    called the bloke up on their hotline bumber 'hello my name is george....' no its not mate, you have an indian accent but anyway........
                    he said he couldnt find anything wrong. i was on the phone for 30 - 45mins

                    i have 2 pcs on same connection via router and this happens both are wired via cable. but anyway i revert back to just the cable modem and still the same. i replace the network cable still the same. then they expect me to pay full price bill AND take time off work for an engineer?!?!

                    Is it a netgear router?

                    There are some issues with netgear routers and cable connections. If I remmeber correctly the router recieves a signal from teh PC to drop the connection. I'll see if I can find teh article and post it here
                    There are 10 kind of people in the world, those that understand binary and those that don't.

                    'There's no place like'


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by MudSurfer
                      I have PlusNet over a BT line using a NetGear G series, and most of the time it's fine, but just sometimes loses the connection, but I go to the manual connect option in the setup and its back within minutes....

                      Not got any experience with this over cable though - although NTL/Virgin are notorious for rubbish service....

                      plusnet were on the news for being best BB provider and Orange were the worst!
                      Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by onlynik
                        Is it a netgear router?

                        There are some issues with netgear routers and cable connections. If I remmeber correctly the router recieves a signal from teh PC to drop the connection. I'll see if I can find teh article and post it here
                        no its belkin. since i made the call there has been no problems with it. i have been playing online games whilst streaming radio and someone else using the internet downstairs. i wasnt getting any lag at all. this keeps happening though. it will be fine then randomly mess itself up. the first thing i did was disconnect the router and put the connections back to how telewest set them up. otherwise when you call up and they hear about a router they blame that and say its not their problem.
                        Oh Nana, what's my name?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by dirtydog
                          plusnet were on the news for being best BB provider and Orange were the worst!

                          plusnet, they flat out lied to me about their packet shaping and the lack of fair use policy, to such that when I quieried them about throttling specific IP addresses they replied. "We don't tell our customers that, otherwise they wouldn't sign up with us."
                          There are 10 kind of people in the world, those that understand binary and those that don't.

                          'There's no place like'


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by onlynik
                            plusnet, they flat out lied to me about their packet shaping and the lack of fair use policy, to such that when I quieried them about throttling specific IP addresses they replied. "We don't tell our customers that, otherwise they wouldn't sign up with us."
                            Ahem. Traffic shaping.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by onlynik
                              plusnet, they flat out lied to me about their packet shaping and the lack of fair use policy, to such that when I quieried them about throttling specific IP addresses they replied. "We don't tell our customers that, otherwise they wouldn't sign up with us."
                              call me a noob but i dont know how these isp go about their work. why would they throttle specific ip's ?
                              Oh Nana, what's my name?

