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Thanks,but no thanks

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  • Thanks,but no thanks

    I applied for a job a couple of weeks ago as a Postman . I had to spend an hour filling in an online CV and all the usual that goes with it . I then had to do 2 15 min online tests . I finally got a reply to my application , Thanks, no thanks . Blimey , how qualified do I need to be to put an envelope through a letterbox !!! Never even a written letter or phone call from start to finish , all done online and by e-mail.
    Back to the job section again.
    Rick...Member of 1st Gen club. ONE LIFE ... GET ONE !!

  • #2
    Be hopes your postie ain't a member of the forum. If he is, make sure not to touch your post if it's wet and yellow when he pushes it through the box.

    It's pathetic all this online mularkey they insist on using these days ain't it.


    • #3
      Originally posted by MattF
      Be hopes your postie ain't a member of the forum. If he is, make sure not to touch your post if it's wet and yellow when he pushes it through the box.

      It's pathetic all this online mularkey they insist on using these days ain't it.
      be hopes?

      pished are ya?
      i swear, it was like that when i got here...


      • #4
        Originally posted by logey79
        be hopes?

        pished are ya?
        Hmmm. Asking one of the two non-drinkers if he's pished. Let's see.......

        T'was but a slight localism that slipped in.


        • #5
          I think you'll find they either want some dunce with no qualifications, so they don't get bored easily, or they are looking for einstein, coz it's a complicated job.

          Still working for the man!


          • #6
            Originally posted by MattF
            Hmmm. Asking one of the two non-drinkers if he's pished. Let's see.......

            T'was but a slight localism that slipped in.
            you may have just started or something!

            remember i was a non-drinker for a few years too. until march this year, by which point 2 gobsh1tes on this forum drove me to drink again with their constant abuse...
            i swear, it was like that when i got here...


            • #7
              Originally posted by MattF
              Be hopes your postie ain't a member of the forum. If he is, make sure not to touch your post if it's wet and yellow when he pushes it through the box.

              It's pathetic all this online mularkey they insist on using these days ain't it.
              Did not mean that Posties are thick or anything , just that I had to do these 15 min tests etc to see how clever or something I was , they were not easy by any means as they required quick thinking and stuff.I did struggle with the 2nd one.
              Rick...Member of 1st Gen club. ONE LIFE ... GET ONE !!


              • #8
                Originally posted by logey79
                remember i was a non-drinker for a few years too. until march this year, by which point 2 gobsh1tes on this forum drove me to drink again with their constant abuse...
                The bar stewards.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Vagrant No2
                  Did not mean that Posties are thick or anything , just that I had to do these 15 min tests etc to see how clever or something I was , they were not easy by any means as they required quick thinking and stuff.I did struggle with the 2nd one.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Vagrant No2
                    Did not mean that Posties are thick or anything , just that I had to do these 15 min tests etc to see how clever or something I was , they were not easy by any means as they required quick thinking and stuff.I did struggle with the 2nd one.
                    there weren't any questions like:

                    What is the best way to deliver to a house with a long dirt track drive?
                    a) leave bike/van at bottom of drive and walk up to house to avoid dirtying postal transport and possibly other mail.
                    b)ride/drive bike/van up drive SLOWLY as to not cause possible damage to the property.
                    c)other - please specify.

                    you reply, take 1 20 year old 1st gen up said drive ripping the sh1te out of everything on site while hanging postal bag out the window to gather that truly travelled (muddy) look!
                    i swear, it was like that when i got here...


                    • #11
                      What were the quick thinking questions then?

                      Still working for the man!


                      • #12
                        Anybody got a spade? Might as well give him a hand with this hole.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by logey79
                          there weren't any questions like:

                          What is the best way to deliver to a house with a long dirt track drive?
                          a) leave bike/van at bottom of drive and walk up to house to avoid dirtying postal transport and possibly other mail.
                          b)ride/drive bike/van up drive SLOWLY as to not cause possible damage to the property.
                          c)other - please specify.

                          you reply, take 1 20 year old 1st gen up said drive ripping the sh1te out of everything on site while hanging postal bag out the window to gather that truly travelled (muddy) look!
                          I did say to Tam that if I got the job and the houses/farms were far apart I would use the Runner and 'go as the crow flies'
                          Rick...Member of 1st Gen club. ONE LIFE ... GET ONE !!


                          • #14
                            Plumb Bob's got it right.
                            You have to be supremely dense to be employed in the post office. They struggle to read. If I had a £ for every letter that has a different road on it...............
                            These guys are 1 step up from a security guard, which they become after doing too much thinking at the post office.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Vagrant No2
                              I applied for a job a couple of weeks ago as a Postman . I had to spend an hour filling in an online CV and all the usual that goes with it . I then had to do 2 15 min online tests . I finally got a reply to my application , Thanks, no thanks . Blimey , how qualified do I need to be to put an envelope through a letterbox !!! Never even a written letter or phone call from start to finish , all done online and by e-mail.
                              Back to the job section again.
                              Hey Rick sound like your over Qualified already !!!!
                              Or have they heard about your offroad antics !!!!
                              Probably took longer to fill out the on-line forms than delivering their mail..

                              There's always a Payback .... Ya just can't see it Comin !!!!
                              Buncefield Burner

