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We're Moving!!!!!!

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  • We're Moving!!!!!!

    It's all finally sorted. We exchanged contracts today and are moving Friday week, 6th July.

    Jon is relieved as I've been a right miserable cow the past few weeks, I haven't been working and have been bored silly. All the waiting around has been torture.

    But it's now finally happening. Panic will now set in as we try to sort out all the things we couldn't do until we had a date.

    Oh but I'm so happy!!!!!!!!

  • #2
    great news .........Just think it will mean all that decorating next to make it home


    • #3
      Where are you off to, somewhere nice?

      Still working for the man!


      • #4
        Originally posted by plumb bob
        Where are you off to, somewhere nice?
        We're moving to a place called Gedney, about 15 miles from Spalding. There are 6 houses in our road a couple of bungalows nearby, a farm and a small campsite. Apart from that nothing for miles apart from fields.

        After the concrete jungle we're living in at the moment the new place is going to be absolute heaven.


        • #5
          Good luck with the move Mr & Mrs J and hope you enjoy the new surroundings


          • #6
            Originally posted by Mrs Jotto
            We're moving to a place called Gedney, about 15 miles from Spalding. There are 6 houses in our road a couple of bungalows nearby, a farm and a small campsite. Apart from that nothing for miles apart from fields.

            After the concrete jungle we're living in at the moment the new place is going to be absolute heaven.
            That sounds idealic, would suit me, we're planning on getting out of this hole soon as the mortgage is paid off (3 years approx), good luck in your new home, you'll have a decent garden there then
            Too young to die and too old to give a toss


            • #7
              Originally posted by ian619
              you'll have a decent garden there then
              The rear garden is about 800' long but only 35' wide,
              Plenty of room for surf parties
              I'm a custard donut monster


              • #8
                Originally posted by jotto
                The rear garden is about 800' long but only 35' wide,
                Plenty of room for surf parties
                Lucky sod, our's is like a postage stamp,
                Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                • #9
                  About time too Hope the move goes smoothly - don't let Jon lift anything

                  My Pointer ate the dog trainer


                  • #10
                    well done guys!
                    Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Mrs Jotto
                      It's all finally sorted. We exchanged contracts today and are moving Friday week, 6th July.

                      Jon is relieved as I've been a right miserable cow the past few weeks, I haven't been working and have been bored silly. All the waiting around has been torture.

                      But it's now finally happening. Panic will now set in as we try to sort out all the things we couldn't do until we had a date.

                      Oh but I'm so happy!!!!!!!!

                      so thats why you did not answer my text sunday
                      or are you tryin to say jon is relieved your a miserable cow
                      you lucky people
                      get settled in fast and find a good nosh house so we can come visit

                      Happy Days GUYS well done need a hand? just shout
                      Last edited by pops; 27 June 2007, 22:14.
                      Enjoying Life after Cancer


                      • #12
                        Well done hope u like it up there its very flat and lots off fields full off flowers as they sell the bulbs ect. My auntie lives up that way so we go up quite a lot.


                        • #13
                          Great News Mr & Mrs Jotto, It's about time you deserve it !!!!
                          Hope ya not lifting anyfink Jon & if ya forget anyfink & need a Surf train we couls always have a Party afterwards .....
                          Good Luck in ya new Home.
                          Rick i'll be settled in by now & you'll at least be able to borro some sugar !!!!

                          There's always a Payback .... Ya just won't see it Comin tho !!!!
                          Last edited by Diezel Weazel; 28 June 2007, 02:22.
                          Buncefield Burner


                          • #14
                            Contracts exchanged, so you can't be gazumped? Great!

                            We're moving as well. Last week we managed to buy a house and sell ours in a matter of days. Its the scottish system so as offers accepted it should run smoothly.

                            We're going from a wee croft cottage to a house with a few acres. Plenty of space for a surf camp out after a Lochgilphead Forest drive.

                            Now where's the boxes......



                            • #15
                              Good luck and best wishes to both new home owners north and south.

                              Cheers JB
                              www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org

