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Any chance to call 4x4 owners.

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  • Any chance to call 4x4 owners.

    I have just been reading "Have your say" on the BBC's site about the rain we are having. I came accross this post by someone who sounds jelous as they dont have a 4x4:

    Added: Monday, 25 June, 2007, 15:07 GMT 16:07 UK

    Cheers Rudolph, when my house was flooded last year and the road through was closed by Police, all the Range Rovers etc carried on ploughing through, sending bow-waves into the houses and in the case of my neighbours house, which is slightly higher than mine, pushed flood water over the threshold, which would not have happened without the lovely 4X4 drivers ignoring the 'road closed' signs.

    [SpaT0wn], Scottish Highlands, United Kingdom

    Any excuse to have a dig...

    Last edited by max6674; 25 June 2007, 17:24.
    -=I swear to drunk I'm not god=-

  • #2
    tell him he shouldnt of had his house in the way!
    Oh Nana, what's my name?


    • #3
      So not only are we responsible for the weather changes that cause the floods, but responsible for pushing it into people's houses too!

      Where do these people get off eh?!
      Cutting steps in the roof of the world


      • #4
        no tell him next time get more sand bags.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Apache
          So not only are we responsible for the weather changes that cause the floods, but responsible for pushing it into people's houses too!

          Where do these people get off eh?!
          dont worry we will have the last laugh,when the roads get so bad that nothing can get through only 4x4s,theyll all be wanting one.


          • #6
            at least he only mentions range rovers and not a proper 4x4

            If the road was closed why were the driver's not stopped and arrested or whatever? OR was it possibly they were part of the local 4x4 assistance group and helping the police/fire brigades to do their jobs? anyone ever notice it's always a neighbours house and never their own in these stories? maybe because they have no evidence to support what they are saying and don't want to be accused of making false/slanderous accusations?
            =SOLD UP!=


            • #7
              He's a right to be pi$$ed at the driver if everything is as the story says. Like it or not, the driver of the 4x4 WAS responsable for what happened.

              The last time we had big floods, a mate was driving his car carefully through a big puddle, when a truck came the other way to fast, and the bow wave hydrolocked his motor, totally the other drivers fault, and got a bill for it!

              You can't just barrel through big puddles just because you have a 4x4, think of other people, this along with the idiots who Greenlane with no consideration for others is why we get a lot of the this anti-4x4 rubbish thrown at us by the media, authorities and other people.

              If the driver had though of others and driven slowely, this would have not been a story, now its more ammo for the anti brigade.
              4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


              • #8
                I agree Tony, but whenever i read things like that i'm sceptical as to how much we hear the embelished version of only one side, if that makes any sense.

                Why does it always seem to be 'my neighbours house', and 'all the range rovers' ? If the owner of the house concerned believed that the 4x4s were responsible then why have we not heard him/her speak up? All the range rovers, what, was there a long line of them or something just queing up waiting to barrell on through?

                If it's as he says then the drivers are irresponsible $$$$s and should be punished accordingly, but i just find it hard to believe, more likely to be someone who was already an anti saw one or two 4x4s involved in the emergency services work drive through with a gentle bow wave and saw a story and something else to fire against 4x4s.

                Call me a cynic...
                =SOLD UP!=


                • #9
                  As above- please take care what havoc your bow wave might wreak when driving through a flood / ford etc....


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by TonyN
                    He's a right to be pi$$ed at the driver if everything is as the story says. Like it or not, the driver of the 4x4 WAS responsable for what happened.

                    The last time we had big floods, a mate was driving his car carefully through a big puddle, when a truck came the other way to fast, and the bow wave hydrolocked his motor, totally the other drivers fault, and got a bill for it!

                    You can't just barrel through big puddles just because you have a 4x4, think of other people, this along with the idiots who Greenlane with no consideration for others is why we get a lot of the this anti-4x4 rubbish thrown at us by the media, authorities and other people.

                    If the driver had though of others and driven slowely, this would have not been a story, now its more ammo for the anti brigade.
                    I have to agree - being subjected to the tidal wave from a wagon the other day hurtling through the flood. Huge spray, soaked me as my window was down and lost vision for what seemed an age. I got to see how car drivers feel being the smaller vehicle.
                    How can I be lost when I've got no where to go


                    • #11
                      Just what is it with these stupid homeowners? They buy a house at the bottom of a hill, valley or a known flood plane and then wonder why they suffer from flooding!

                      Oh, well at least their not alone:

                      Mine WAS a 150 bhp V6 and ran on PETROL


                      • #12
                        i keep saying it but no-one takes any notice. he should not have parked his caravan there!
                        Oh Nana, what's my name?

