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Got an interview!

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  • Got an interview!

    Chap rang me tonight (military EMC testing), tells me my CV has landed on his desk, and people with my level of pan-forces military experience dont grow on trees and would I like to go for a chat?

    I said, "yes, oh yes!!"

    I have a year and a half to go before my current employer forces me to relocate south, or deems me to have resigned.

    Keep your fingers crossed for me folks!
    Cutting steps in the roof of the world

  • #2
    Originally posted by Apache
    Chap rang me tonight (military EMC testing), tells me my CV has landed on his desk, and people with my level of pan-forces military experience dont grow on trees and would I like to go for a chat?

    I said, "yes, oh yes!!"

    I have a year and a half to go before my current employer forces me to relocate south, or deems me to have resigned.

    Keep your fingers crossed for me folks!
    Digits are crossed for you.

    Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


    • #3
      good luck mate hope its what you want .
      a mate of mine works with radar and other stuff i dont pretend to understand and now his home is on the wirral and works half the week in somerset and half in scotland and has had a few problems over the years but seems to have sorted it out now ..
      i bust things ,, it a skill i have ,,( need help?)


      • #4
        Originally posted by Apache
        Chap rang me tonight (military EMC testing), tells me my CV has landed on his desk, and people with my level of pan-forces military experience dont grow on trees and would I like to go for a chat?

        I said, "yes, oh yes!!"

        I have a year and a half to go before my current employer forces me to relocate south, or deems me to have resigned.

        Keep your fingers crossed for me folks!
        got them crossed for you....good luck
        Surf.gone but not forgottendisco now gone aswell


        • #5
          Good luck dude, more money i hope to spend on your truck.


          • #6
            Don't you mean 'SIR, YES SIR!'

            good luck, geezer
            it's in me shed, mate.


            • #7
              Please Let Us Know How You Go Best Of Luck I Am Sure You Will Be Just Fine.

              Fingers Crossed Anyway Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeese Get The Job.

              www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org


              • #8
                Cheers all!

                Been with MOD for 21 years but there has been a steady erosion of terms and conditions for a long time (and we dont have the easy ride and megabucks that the daily mirror tell you we get!).

                I'm not that concerned with the money, for me it's all about quality of life. I like it here in Malvern, and surfers who've been here know why. I just feel that being told to move south for no good reason is one step too far.

                I reckon I can offer this guy a lot of experience and expertise, and best of all it's only a couple of miles from here. Hope I'm waht he's looking for!
                Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Apache
                  Cheers all!

                  Been with MOD for 21 years but there has been a steady erosion of terms and conditions for a long time (and we dont have the easy ride and megabucks that the daily mirror tell you we get!).

                  I'm not that concerned with the money, for me it's all about quality of life. I like it here in Malvern, and surfers who've been here know why. I just feel that being told to move south for no good reason is one step too far.

                  I reckon I can offer this guy a lot of experience and expertise, and best of all it's only a couple of miles from here. Hope I'm waht he's looking for!


                  Will you still be allowed to make scanners?


                  • #10
                    I'm not allowed to (or have TIME to) do ANYTHING in work lately. I've done an 11 hour day and a 10 hour day this week in week which is supposed to be 7.5 hours a day. This is the norm.

                    I get my new shed (12' x 10') this summer... then I'm gonna make stuff!
                    Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                    • #11
                      Well done Andy, go for it!

                      Originally posted by Apache

                      I reckon I can offer this guy a lot of experience and expertise, and best of all it's only a couple of miles from here. Hope I'm waht he's looking for!
                      Change your tone - you WILL offer this guy EXACTLY what he wants

                      You are TOTALLY what he's after!

                      THINK POSITIVE DUDE
                      Another member of the 'A' team


                      • #12
                        Typical MOD can't see a good thing under their noses

                        All Digits crossed M8 !

                        So they trying to send you to Yeovilton / Culdrose ?

                        Oh I'm Glad I'm out of it, But I'm sure you are the right man for the job ! so use your target aquisition skills and land safely
                        Death rides a Black Horse


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Apache
                          Chap rang me tonight (military EMC testing), tells me my CV has landed on his desk, and people with my level of pan-forces military experience dont grow on trees and would I like to go for a chat?

                          I said, "yes, oh yes!!"

                          I have a year and a half to go before my current employer forces me to relocate south, or deems me to have resigned.

                          Keep your fingers crossed for me folks!

                          When's the interview? everything crossed for you - slightly crampy now but sending loads of good vibes your way...keep us updated


                          • #14
                            They are planning to send me to Porton Down, so not even any flying stuff to play with! Thats all up the road at Boscombe.

                            My interview? Dunno yet. I'm gonna ring the chap this afternoon now I know when I'm free. Probably 2nd week July by the look of things.
                            Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                            • #15
                              GOOD LUCK mate! Its nice to be HEAD HUNTED £££££££££££££.
                              I'm still unemployed
                              (='.'=) SQUIRREL MUNCHER GRRRRRRR

