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Bl**dy Tw*t

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  • Bl**dy Tw*t

    So there i am, on the way back from KFC an i deciede to cruise into Romsey... Let the old girl stretch her legs etc etc! when some (hence the title) BLO*DY TW*T decides he wants to pull out into me! I could see him... He wasnt indicating, He wasnt even looking forward or in his mirror FFS!! He was talking to his passenger! I gave it a bit more gas to get outta the damn way before he had my bumper off! then the FU*KING PR!CK decides to beep his horn and follow me! so every minute or so... "beep" goes his damn horn!

    Then hes making hand motions for me to pull over an face him or somet! To be honest.... I fu*king hate people like that! What a damn w!nk*er! hes in the damn wrong and trys to get sh!tty about it!!

    Sorry for the rant but.... my point is this.... Most of our trucks are getting pretty noticable! They are the kinda trucks that you remember when you see them! If you saw a Rolls Royce with number plate "QUEEN 1" written on it... you would probably remember that car if you saw it again!

    Its just this nagging feeling i have that one day some a$$hole will do somet and end up wanting to "get his own back"... Its not hard to reconise my truck! I just really really dont want to wake up tomorrow to find a metal box with no windows, flat tyres and charcoal inside! because someones not happy that they personally cant damn drive!

  • #2
    Don't worry about it. Just remembernext time that you have a more robust vehicle. (Just for the sake of persuasion, you understand).


    • #3
      If i'd have had the rest of the lift fitted and the 33" machos.... I'd have LOVED to reversed up his damn car.... obviously i wouldn't do that! The guys a total wa**ker but that dont mean i want him dead/mangled by a Macho!!

      Live and let live really i guess! He obviously dosnt want his car trashed same as me, but when they dont let it go! thats what annoys me! I just hope my poor surf wont suffer at the hands of some pi$$ed off jerk!


      • #4
        Did he cause damage to your truck?
        www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org


        • #5
          Originally posted by Highlander1
          Did he cause damage to your truck?
          No none at all! Ive even just gone and double checked! there is nothing at all! plus i wouldve heard it/felt it if anything had happend


          • #6
            You should have got his f***** number and reported to the local plod that he was driving like a $$$$ head if nothing else they would have tried to pull him or knocked of his door and bagged him.

            I had the same s**t when taking mother to visit the old man in hospital if you remember I shrugged it off but it's hard.

            Cheers JB
            www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org


            • #7
              yeah thinking about it i do remember that mate!!

              Your right it is damn hard to ignore! Hes probably at home or whatever not givin a damn about it but im sat here just really pi$$ed off! Its runied my damn evening!

              I need to get some in!


              • #8
                I've had some idiot chase me through Banbury a while back, not in the Surf though, I had a dark blue, plain Volvo S70 with no stickers, nothing so most people thought it was a police car - so this knobhead chased me through town, and when I got to some red lights, he got out, started shouting at me through my closed window, then punched it!!!!!

                All I'd done, as I came off the M40, he was in the right hand lane going over the motorway, so I flashed my lights to let him know I was there, he didn't move so I used the left lane to pass him. From there he chased me.....

                Have you seen a person with a broken hand try and start a car ???? Hilarious.....

                I just sat there and let him get on with it - not too interested in letting him exercise his body, as his brain was clearly asleep - I was more worried about the woman in the car next to me with her young kids in case it got really nasty.

                These ass-holes are everywhere though, and the police try to sort them out, but they can be hard to find, and not everyone reports them - I did, I was 50 meters from the police station, sat directly under a CCTV camera when it happened, which is the other reason I stayed put...

                I'm not small, and been doing marshall arts since I was 8 but know better than to get out in those situations.....
                Too old to care, young enough to remember


                • #9
                  I didnt want to fight the guy! i just wanted to go for a drive thats all! an be left alone.

                  I dont know how i would've reacted if he'd punched my window... i really dont!

                  If someone cuts me up, i dont have a problem with it! As long as there is no damage.. everyone makes mistakes! its just human. I just hate when people get angry about it all!


                  • #10
                    Yep the worlds gone mad and lots of people in it maybe it's the food we eat or the water maybe e numbers or something god knows but it's a changing world.

                    Everytime I get the chance I let someone in at a junction used to be that every other car would let each othee in turn by turn at conjested junctions, now they drive bumper to bumper and screem blue murder.

                    When I lived in England-shire it used to take 30 minutes to travel 3 miles to work by car!!!!!!!!!!! In the end I took a push bike. Now I can do 30 miles in 20 minutes.
                    www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org


                    • #11
                      Ah, ces't la vie. Life's funny ain't it, you drive for days and people let you out at junctions, thank you with a wave for pulling in to let them past etc and then some knob ruins it by throwing a fleppy over nothing! When it happens you boil for hours going over what you should have said or did, it's a bugga for your blood pressure.
                      'Tis better to sting than to be stung!


                      • #12
                        Unfortunately these type of people are the product of a v ery small gene pool, and generally have a fairly low IQ (usually in single figures) so when they have vented they go home to their scummy little flats, get p1ssed and jack up, or beat the wife and children.

                        Basically they are all scum and should have their driving licences revoked and be castrsted to avoid them breeding more scum.

                        Still working for the man!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by plumb bob
                          Unfortunately these type of people are the product of a v ery small gene pool, and generally have a fairly low IQ (usually in single figures) so when they have vented they go home to their scummy little flats, get p1ssed and jack up, or beat the wife and children.

                          Basically they are all scum and should have their driving licences revoked and be castrsted to avoid them breeding more scum.
                          100% with you mate!!


                          • #14
                            hehe driving in london is like that every day , dont worry about it doubt the fellah will bother your surf once he calms down
                            Only Toyota can get you out of shite


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by joker??
                              hehe driving in london is like that every day , dont worry about it doubt the fellah will bother your surf once he calms down

                              He was also trying to look 'ard in front of his passenger too.

