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Gut wrenching moment!

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  • Gut wrenching moment!

    Well, didn't think it could be...

    I loaded up with crud for my daughter's school boot sale and was coming out past the security gate when there was a bang like a gunshot and suddenly the truck lurched to the side! $$$$$$ hell I thought, I'm being robbed!

    With my heart pounding and adrenalin surging I popped the door, dived onto the deck and rolled into the storm drain like I'd seen them do on the A-Team. Luckily I'd left my family behind as a diversion and the sound of my wife screaming covered my cursing as I s$$$$ped a dog turd off my boot.

    Approaching the truck at a low crouching jog I could see that someone had stuck what looked like a spear into the guts of my truck. On closer inspection though it turned out to be a steel rod and a broken steel rod at that.

    Damn! Some Maasai, seeing my zebra camou'd truck must have come up with a cunning booby trap to score some supper - anyway, I couldn't stick around - they'd obviously legged it when they heard my wife bellowing like a stuck buff - but they might come back with re-enforcements.

    I nursed the truck back onto the road and down to my fave witchdoctor/mechanic: he just shook his head sadly when he saw me and started sucking his teeth and making horsey noises as he inspected the damage.

    "Eish, Bwana, your torshun baas $$$$$$ buggered men!"

    "Ay, eets buggered Kabeesa! Gonna cost you plennn-teee!"

    That's when my wife really started screaming...

  • #2
    Oi! that blokes a nutta!
    Oh Nana, what's my name?


    • #3
      hard luck mate. are you thinking of lifting it now and putting better tortion bars on the front? how did it snap?

      do you mean ARB though? or do you mean the front tortion bar?
      Oh Nana, what's my name?


      • #4
        OE torsion bar cranked up to the max that's all. New bars will take 5-6 weeks from SA and will cost 100GBP plus p&p! So I sourced some second hand ones from a dodgy Kenyan scap dealer - same length but a bit beefier!


        • #5
          Great story mate, much better than some of the cr@p we've had on here recently.
          'Tis better to sting than to be stung!


          • #6
            Originally posted by Copycat
            Great story mate, told with a sense of humour, much better than some of the cr@p we've had on here recently.

            I've been finding the posts a bit repetitive myself.



            • #7
              Originally posted by Ballibeg
              I've been finding the posts a bit repetitive myself.

              i thought i was having de-ja vous
              The benchmark....

