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need answers PLEASE

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  • need answers PLEASE

    okay replacing shocks with stiffer longer to accommodate a two inch lift or get the same ajustable ones? Soo can any body tell me where i can get stiffer springs that have a free standig height of 15 inches and will have a load rating greater than 900 pounds? Plus will a same sized banks turbo give btter performance or should i do an intercooler ?? lastly im biulding a roof rack out of aluminium how do i bond it to the roof without drilling?

  • #2
    Originally posted by willymon
    okay replacing shocks with stiffer longer to accommodate a two inch lift or get the same ajustable ones? Soo can any body tell me where i can get stiffer springs that have a free standig height of 15 inches and will have a load rating greater than 900 pounds? Plus will a same sized banks turbo give btter performance or should i do an intercooler ?? lastly im biulding a roof rack out of aluminium how do i bond it to the roof without drilling?
    For what you are doing get longer gas shocks ...... Bushwhacker used landcruiser springs to lift his and allow for a large load ........as for your other questions others will be along shortly


    • #3
      All what Woodzie says - LC are heavy duty - since fitting them I have binned my air spring project (even though there are two new air springs in me shed).

      Not sure about the turbo - may need some extensive mods. Also, too much oomph can cause some serious bottom end problems.

      Intercooler = low tech and easy mod.

      If you don't want to drill your roof, I would try to make up some strap clamps to hold it down. Someone has used the rear wiper mount. Bonding it ONLY would be dangerous in a full emergency stop - the rack would almost deffo launch itself into orbit (or something).

      Another member of the 'A' team


      • #4
        to the lovely boyo

        hey man your intercooler looks great I never even thought of taking it right over the top like that!!!! could you please send me more details as to where you picked it up ? i live in canada


        • #5
          I've used L/C springs and +3" ProComp shocks (ES9000)...good solid feel and the rear ARB is off too - but if you want to keep the rigidity, keep the ARB on...
          Too old to care, young enough to remember

