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damn truck.....

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  • damn truck.....

    yesterday the snorkel finally arrived - salisbury campout guys i told the story wil under stand!! - went to fit it, got all tools ready and GO

    all well till i go to "cut" the inner panel - there goes one hole say, down to b and q for a second and it rips that apart and burns out the drill and gives me some practice with expletives!!!

    as a resourcefull gent with an oxy kit..... and a chuffing big hammer i got a hole...

    only to find it doesnt do what it says on the tin, so i eventually get it fitted and can say i am glad i dont have to do it again, at least the new aerial got fitted so i can listen to the radio and not the same cd over and over..

    will try ot put up photos when i get around to it..

    bring on the wet stuff to try it out....

  • #2
    Originally posted by graham78
    as a resourcefull gent with an oxy kit..... and a chuffing big hammer i got a hole...
    any pics? lol got to love the oxy fireworks! good one
    Oh Nana, what's my name?


    • #3
      Originally posted by graham78
      yesterday the snorkel finally arrived - salisbury campout guys i told the story wil under stand!! - went to fit it, got all tools ready and GO

      all well till i go to "cut" the inner panel - there goes one hole say, down to b and q for a second and it rips that apart and burns out the drill and gives me some practice with expletives!!!

      as a resourcefull gent with an oxy kit..... and a chuffing big hammer i got a hole...

      only to find it doesnt do what it says on the tin, so i eventually get it fitted and can say i am glad i dont have to do it again, at least the new aerial got fitted so i can listen to the radio and not the same cd over and over..

      will try ot put up photos when i get around to it..

      bring on the wet stuff to try it out....

      Hehehe........Imagine the fun i had sorting mine out


      • #4
        i am still picking the stuff out my eyes, scalp and skin....

        i would post pictures but keep getting told that the file is too large advice would br greatly received.....


        • #5
          open a photobucket acount at www.photobucket.com upload your pics to there, then when you view your albums click in the box that says 'img source code' or something like that, it will copy the code to link to the image to your clipboard, then paste it directly into your posts on here.
          =SOLD UP!=


          • #6
            Originally posted by graham78
            i am still picking the stuff out my eyes, scalp and skin....

            i would post pictures but keep getting told that the file is too large advice would br greatly received.....
            It does look good ........looked at it today , graham is damaged as well ..................revenge of the surf for attacking her metalwork


            • #7
              that is correct, learnt a very good health and safety lesson with it - why there must always be 2 people present when working on vehicles.... having to relocate your wrist yourself is quite emotional

              i have opened a photo bucket account and will post some photos later, i will also show the window flush deflectors and the flexi aerial that has been sat there since march...



              • #8
                Originally posted by Woodzie
                It does look good ........looked at it today , graham is damaged as well ..................revenge of the surf for attacking her metalwork
                oooh that sounds familiar,i remember stein got his revenge on my head when i cut the big scoop in his bonnet..


                • #9
                  Originally posted by surfenstein
                  oooh that sounds familiar,i remember stein got his revenge on my head when i cut the big scoop in his bonnet..
                  And you've never been the same since

