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fireworks? in june?!

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  • #16
    Unfortunately not all cars driven on the roads are registered, sometimes they have misleading or false plates.

    When there are no independent witnesses to prove beyond reasonable doubt whose to blame (always 2 sides to every story) it's easy to blame the police.

    I am always getting the police do nothing side of the story. In my 17 years of service to the public I have dealt with being shot at, had my wrist broken twice, My colleague who got killed the other day answering a call to a domestic wasn't doing nothing about it. Sharon Beshenesky was she doing nothing when shot?

    When the female cop got stabbed by a pitch fork Was she doing nothing trying to save a suicidal person!

    I could reel off hundreds of similar, like being attacked by a deranged lad weilding a knife with 11" blade who was arrested for attempted murder I was the victim.

    saving folks from houses on fire. Being first to an armed post office robbery without being armed and shot gun stuck in face.

    We arrest a scrote for shop lifting and have to search his house seize dozens of productions spend 48 hours +++++++++ writting about it and presenting the facts to the procecution.

    For every arrest made we spend 3 days over a desk but still turn out to deal with every emergency.

    We can't always give public the answers they want to hear but believe me we try.

    I wish some more would join the specials or something similar to see just what we have to deal with.

    And when you get a shout to someone getting attacked by a drugged $$$$$$$$ sometimes the less important crime such as minor RTA has to take the back burner.

    Or the neighbours squabling over whose parked in their drive way space.

    We are there to save life and limb first priority, catch criminals and deal with the aftermath of death and burned families on the motor way. Sometimes trivial $$$$ just doesn't get such a high proflie.

    I have been on a shift looking after 200,000 people in city consisting of 6 cops on a saturday night with 19,000 clubers going into each night club.

    Rant over. Sorry had a bad day.

    www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org


    • #17
      Don't like the idea of three days over a desk ! that is way beyond the call of duty !
      Death rides a Black Horse


      • #18
        but many times i have been so annoyed at the police i have even looked into signing up to be an officer just like how you say you are.
        but down here its not like that. it might be changing but the police dont seem to have the right mind set to deal sometimes.

        there was one instance where someone i knew see a police person talking to 2 people and rest his radio on the back of his car. then they had to dash off and forgot about the radio making it drop on the floor when they drove off.
        my friends listened in to all the stuff that was happening around our area and every time they beat the police to the scene. and they could hear them going to the wrong place and asking how to get there. what does that say
        they heard themselfes mentioned on the radio a few times and then they were pulled. they handed it in later on.

        i dont know if you have been to london, but its nothing like scotland
        Oh Nana, what's my name?


        • #19
          Hi Tony

          Yes mate I served 9 years in East Anglia before coming back home same $$$$ just the weather that's different.

          The guys and gals do what they can so they dropped the radio, getting posted into an area you don't know, with short staff and no local knowledge was a huge problem not so much now with tom tom GPS etc.

          But huge problem up until last few months. Given the geography and trying to find the places with no experienced officers was a major problem.

          The top nobs decide to move officers around so that they never build the local knowledge. Can't blame the cops on the ground we do what we can with what we've got and go out there to save lives.

          If you see a guy in a shop with police car outside maybe, just maybe he/she's worked last 16 hrs and stopped off to get a pressie for daughter etc. Police cars outside and he's on a 30 min break But able to respond to the next shout.

          Number of times I've left my dinner on the canteen table not even having the chance to lift a fork.

          All I ask is that you give the guys on the front line a break there aren't enough of us. But we do our best.

          Hey I put my hat on the car roof and drove off to save some one's ass. Were only human not robotic freaks

          Verbal copper bashing is easy I just wish those who do sometimes gave it a little more thought.

          Cheers mate JB
          www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org

