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Booger it

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  • Booger it

    Just been outbid on a oil catch can (again) their going for big money, whats inside one? is it possible to make one? looks like a fancy tin can with a sight glass on to me, or is there some kind of filter in there,
    I made this smoke gen tank a while back, so i'm ok with soldering etc, should be able to manage a can to catch oil in
    if anyone has a pic of a cross section of one i'd be obliged,

    Last edited by POPEYE; 3 June 2007, 07:56.
    Too young to die and too old to give a toss

  • #2
    .nothing special inside.ive made one and didnt use it.if you want it let me know.its a work at the mo so havnt got any pics of it to put up but its basically a 300mmx80mm steel cylinder with two aluminium screw caps top and bottom.and about half way up ive mounted three nozzles for the breather pipes.i built it for the v8 but with a little modification if any ,you could use it.


    • #3
      Three nozzels? i take it one of ems a breather for the can, one i bid on had a small cone filter on it, anyway see ya sunday if its ok, cheers mate.
      Too young to die and too old to give a toss


      • #4
        Whats this smoke genarator all about???
        how did you make it - and how does it work??
        I read some where they work on heating antifreeze to a certain temp??
        Everyone thinks I'm paranoid!!


        • #5
          Originally posted by jaky cakes
          Whats this smoke genarator all about???
          how did you make it - and how does it work??
          I read some where they work on heating antifreeze to a certain temp??
          Oh no it was for a model ship, to create funnel smoke, uses a mix of parrafin and light oil, the actual smoke gens are from a model shop, all it is is a small fillement in a glass tube, when switched on (via radio con) it gets hot and oil draws up the tube (capilary action) and burns creating smoke, never managed to get black smoke tho,
          the surf has its own built in smoke generator, (engine)
          Too young to die and too old to give a toss

