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  • ouch

    yesterday evening i was pouring 20litres of fuel into my tank and just as i started i felt something land on the underside of my arm. whilst trying to control the pouring into the funnel i tried to have a look but whatever it was was round the back underneath.
    so i tried to pour as fast as i can without making the funnel overflow and drip. if i were to stop pouring it all just goes down the side and onto the floor from the drum so i didnt want to do that.
    took some time but eventually i finished pouring and took a look at the beastie on my arm. looked like an ordinary fly, so i blew it quite hard to get it off but its nose was stuck in my arm. so i pulled it out and flicked it away. then shortly after it was itching really bad.
    its worse today. looks like a scab thats half healed, and if it gets touched in some way its like an itchy pain... little swollen too
    i should of squashed the thing. dont know why i let it live!
    Oh Nana, what's my name?

  • #2
    Originally posted by tonyppe
    yesterday evening i was pouring 20litres of fuel into my tank and just as i started i felt something land on the underside of my arm. whilst trying to control the pouring into the funnel i tried to have a look but whatever it was was round the back underneath.
    so i tried to pour as fast as i can without making the funnel overflow and drip. if i were to stop pouring it all just goes down the side and onto the floor from the drum so i didnt want to do that.
    took some time but eventually i finished pouring and took a look at the beastie on my arm. looked like an ordinary fly, so i blew it quite hard to get it off but its nose was stuck in my arm. so i pulled it out and flicked it away. then shortly after it was itching really bad.
    its worse today. looks like a scab thats half healed, and if it gets touched in some way its like an itchy pain... little swollen too
    i should of squashed the thing. dont know why i let it live!
    Real trucks don't have spark plugs


    • #3
      may be. i was told that they are big, and this was quite small. thing is i could feel it from when it landed. nasty things
      Oh Nana, what's my name?


      • #4
        clegs or horse flys have big teeth and can leave a nasty bite even through clothing.

        www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org


        • #5
          not a great pic for size but lets you see what a cleg looks like if it was that was dinning on you



          • #6
            Originally posted by ABE
            not a great pic for size but lets you see what a cleg looks like if it was that was dinning on you

            that may have been it, the two things that poke out the front of it were in me.
            the swollen area is about the same size as a tennis ball now, and its raised about 5-10mm and its very warm.
            dammit! lol
            Oh Nana, what's my name?


            • #7
              I saw a programme on TV the other night that was about parasites.

              There are some flies that inject eggs into you, they hatch out like worms or maggot type things. Hope it's not one of those??


              • #8
                You need some one to suck the poison out, this is where you find out who your friends are

                Oh well, he was a nice bloke that tony
                Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                • #9

                  have a look here
                  it never rain it pours! glad I got the 4X4


                  • #10

                    I think you need to read this. It has photo's so you should be able to identify it..



                    • #11
                      This will have you itching in no time!!!



                      • #12
                        My neighbour will not wear shorts in the Summer any more after being bitten/infected by horsefly bites. Our houses are on reclaimed marshland, not to far from the river and surrounded by horse/cattle pasture. Luckily I have not been bitten by one, or if I have, I have not been badly infected.

                        My problem is ants, mosquitos and wasps. I get a nasty allergic swelling, needing treatment with antihistamines if ants or mosquitos bite me. If a wasp stings me just dial 999, as I am likely to go into anaphalactic (spelling) shock.

                        If that hot feeling around the bite continues try a couple of days taking Piriton. If that doesn't work, see your doc, because once insect bites become infected they will drive you bonkers!
                        It's only a hobby!

