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bull bar ban

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  • bull bar ban

    hi guys, what's this i here that the EEC have baned the sale of
    bull bars, and bull bar type bumpers, in the EU from the 25th of may.

    does this mean i can know longer buy a TJM type bumper inside the EU.
    will this also inclued second hand bars and what if, i buy some bars
    of the bloke down the road or fle-bay, will i still be able to fit them
    to my truck, and what's the old bills stance on this. what's next
    a comlpeat ban on 4x4's.

  • #2
    -=I swear to drunk I'm not god=-


    • #3
      What the FCUK are the they thinking

      Banning Bullbars.
      What ever happened to natural selection?

      If some dumb barssstard walks out in front of my ute and i kill him, well he should of been smarter to know you dont run out in front of big FCUK off 4wd's with big FCUKing huge roo bars or youll get killed. the world may be a better place if they dont breed. Maybe the pollies are scared they may be killed for being to thick in the head.
      Harden the Fuk Up Princess


      • #4
        Bull bars

        I would think that this sort of reply from Hilux 2.8 will do more to convince the rest of the world that bull bars should be banned that anything else.


        • #5
          Originally posted by hilux2.8
          Banning Bullbars.
          What ever happened to natural selection?

          If some dumb barssstard walks out in front of my ute and i kill him, well he should of been smarter to know you dont run out in front of big FCUK off 4wd's with big FCUKing huge roo bars or youll get killed. the world may be a better place if they dont breed. Maybe the pollies are scared they may be killed for being to thick in the head.
          He does have a point

          Originally posted by Keith
          I would think that this sort of reply from Hilux 2.8 will do more to convince the rest of the world that bull bars should be banned that anything else.
          So does keith

          What I think Hilux 2.8 was trying to say is it dosen't matter if you have a bull bar or not, if you are daft enough (or not paying enough attention) to step out into the road then being hit by a bull bar is the least of your worries, as getting hit by any vehicle will hurt, and it would be unreasonable, and more dangerous for everybody to drive with one foot on the brake incase somebody does walk in front of you

          Unfortunatly we are always at a disadvantage to the divvy who will use his 4x4 car,truck etc as a personal battering ram (and i'm NOT refering to hilux 2.8 here!! this is a generalism!).

          However it looks like the powers that be favour the ban it brigade, partly because they shout the loudest, and get all their figures from the good old US of A.

          We on the other hand tend to be more reserved and dont feel the need to justify our every move to the world.

          now back to my savoury mince
          Bring me the head of a treehugger


          • #6
            My reaction keith is a humourous one, not one of anger at the bullsheet that is happening in our world today.
            Constantly 4wd users rights are being erroded.
            A bullbar is a lifesaving device itself
            How many of the forum members have hit a large living object lets say the size of a kangaroo at 100kmh.
            With out the roo bar the kangaroo's body flies through your windscreen. Result You DEAD, kangaroo dead, car dead
            Roo bar fitted Kangaroo pushed along with car. Result You alive but shaken, kangaroo dead, car half dead.
            If a person walks in front of a car travelling at 60kmh with a roo bar fitted and is hit by it would they survive?
            If the same person was hit by the same car with no roo bar fitted would they survive?
            I think not
            Look at the cause of the death was it the roo bar that killed them.
            No it was the fact they couldnt cross the road correctly or the idiot behind the wheel couldn't read the give way to pedestrian sign.
            I find it so funny people blame cars, bull bars, weapons for killing people.
            People kill people or themselves.
            Look at the major issue human error through a lack of grey matter.
            Harden the Fuk Up Princess


            • #7
              Are bulls going to be fitted with the following devices
              Last edited by hilux2.8; 16 August 2007, 09:57.
              Harden the Fuk Up Princess


              • #8
                Bull bars

                It was not the rights or wrongs of bull bars with which I was taking issue but the tone and language of Hilux 2.8's original post on a public forum. I am pleased that his later posts do not give me concern.

                Fortunately, in the UK where there is again talk of a possible ban, we do not need roo bars due to the absence of roos. Neither do we have bulls. What we do have are people who believe that bull bars make their truck look better and they are entitled to that opinion. I

                t seems fairly obvious to me, however, that accidents happen and any pedestrian struck by a bull bar is going to suffer more than if one had not been present. After all is that not the basis of their original use - they do not bend and therefore save the front of the car from absorbing impact.

                Accidents happen and I for one would not be able to forgive myself if my fashion accessory caused unnecessary suffering. I have worked with too many people confined to wheelchairs to wish to increase the risk of adding to that number.

                It may be that the presence of a bull bar helps protect the passengers in the car. I do not know in which circumstances that might be the case but it is many years since the automotive industry began to build cars with crumple zones which absorb the energy of an impact and therefore protect the occupants. Clearly this makes a bigger mess of the car so perhaps the question to ask is whether our bull bars protect the car or the occupants.


                • #9
                  Ban politically correctness!
                  Powered by ????


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Keith
                    Neither do we have bulls.

                    Accidents happen and I for one would not be able to forgive myself if my fashion accessory caused unnecessary suffering.
                    Hi Keith, as you say everyone is entitled to their opinion and you make a lot of sense in what you're saying, however..

                    Neither do we have bulls. - I don't know where you live mate but out here in the sticks there are bulls! Okay they aren't roaming the roads with wild abandon but they certainly exist.

                    fashion accessory - I don't think the guys who go off road and green laning consider the bars as fashion accessories.

                    There are pros and cons to having bull bars fitted and I think this is one of those arguments that could rumble on for ever.

                    The above comments are of course only my opinion and I respect the views of others.
                    'Tis better to sting than to be stung!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Keith
                      Fortunately, in the UK where there is again talk of a possible ban, we do not need roo bars due to the absence of roos. Neither do we have bulls. What we do have are people who believe that bull bars make their truck look better and they are entitled to that opinion.

                      May I just correct you on two points, yes we DO have bulls in this country, they are the male version of cows, and are necessary for reproduction.

                      We also have Kangaroos, I know this because there was one killed on the A299 in Kent two weeks ago, and considerable damage was done to the vehicle concerned.Although not a native of this country, nonetheless it WAS there.

                      If that vehicle had roo/bull bars fitted, then there would have been less damage caused. Of course the 'roo would still be dead!

                      People who live in the country often come across animals of all sizes, including 700kg bulls that have stryed onto country lanes.

                      Just my two penneth.

                      Still working for the man!


                      • #12
                        I can see and understand both points to the arguement!

                        In fairness towards the ban, newer 4x4's have pedestrian friendly crumple zones, It does seem pointless to fit a "fashion accessory" when millions are spend towards making it safer to be a pedestrian, BUT as copycat pointed out, some 4x4's are equiped with said Bars (bull/A etc) for an actual use, As for that i think we should all be respectful of others needs.

                        As far as it concerns us Surf drivers we should face the cold hard fact that the chances of survival are very slim if involved with a front impact to a pedestrian, the bonnets are sold! The bumpers mounted to the chassis again rock solid! I personally dont feel 'bad' per se about fitting a form of protective bar to my truck because i feel it wont really alter any outcome, However if i owned a modern 4x4 with said zones, I would not fit a steel bar of any description.

                        As for the point about fitting it to do less damage, look at ninja kings first time thread in off road section,
                        clearly here the bull bar on sv1000pilots surf really didnt protect his own surf, so negates that arguement.

