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bushwacker can u help ???

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  • bushwacker can u help ???

    hi vince !! looked at the old thread on u scoop mate , but i carnt get the pics, maybe coz am new? read all what u put and am very interested to have a go, but would love some pics in stages , can u help pal ,buy u a tinny or two when we come down your neck of the woods in sept cheers.

  • #2
    found out whats wrong, the pics were lost in a site outage,so as any one else got them saved, be most greatfull if u can put them on for me. cheers


    • #3


      • #4
        Originally posted by joymic
        found out whats wrong, the pics were lost in a site outage,so as any one else got them saved, be most greatfull if u can put them on for me. cheers

        Waddaya need to know me old china?


        • #5
          read all u put in the thread on how u did u scoop , but koi says i carnt see the pics becausethey got robbed , soooo i need to put the two together, coz me thinks it sounds good but i bet it looks the d nuts... anyway am $$$$ed hehe to much stella


          • #6
            Originally posted by joymic
            read all u put in the thread on how u did u scoop , but koi says i carnt see the pics becausethey got robbed , soooo i need to put the two together, coz me thinks it sounds good but i bet it looks the d nuts... anyway am $$$$ed hehe to much stella

            I've still got the pics on my desktop PC but I aint cranking that up now, I'll post them on here for you tomorrow.


            • #7
              hey Vince,

              monkey on your back - or what

              Another member of the 'A' team


              • #8
                Originally posted by The Lovely Boyo
                hey Vince,

                monkey on your back - or what


                " feels like a wet Q-tip in my ear!"


                • #9
                  Originally posted by The Lovely Boyo
                  hey Vince,

                  monkey on your back - or what


                  I got an electric tin opener if it's of any use
                  Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                  • #10
                    was that meant for me, am no $$$$in monkey on no ones back, so shut up u welsh , funny talkin person vvvv


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by joymic
                      was that meant for me, am no $$$$in monkey on no ones back, so shut up u welsh , funny talkin person vvvv
                      JOYMIC - more like joyless

                      I was merely referring to Bushwhackers legendary helpfulness - sometimes it must feel like a monkey on his back.

                      BTW - You might want to retract the shut up you welsh thing - Vince lives in Abercarn!
                      Another member of the 'A' team


                      • #12
                        There's tellin em is'nt it,

                        Joymic!!! is this scoop for show or do you already have an intercooler fitted or gonna fit one? only asked cos if it aint fitted it may be worth doing the cooler first otherwise the scoop might be in wrong place'ish, just a thought!
                        Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                        • #13
                          it wasn't meant to be an insult, i was retalliating to what i thought was a $$$$ take, yes u right vince is ace on surfs thats why i asked for his advice, sorry if am being a pain just a newbe tryin to learn an make a few friends along the way. JOYFUL MIC .


                          • #14
                            hi ian !! its a bit of both, i just want to release a bit of hot air from under the bonett when towin the van up very long hills, normally its ok its the trans/ oil light that came on an i $$$$ my self, u fall in love with these things the first time u drive em.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by joymic
                              hi ian !! its a bit of both, i just want to release a bit of hot air from under the bonett when towin the van up very long hills, normally its ok its the trans/ oil light that came on an i $$$$ my self, u fall in love with these things the first time u drive em.
                              Know what you mean, i'm doing a few things to try and keep mine cooler,
                              already fitted some fan'd vents last year, they made a bit of difference, also i'd advise fitting a switch in the back-up electric fan so you can switch it on manually, that does help a lot, while it's off the road i'm gonna fit a second rad where the air con one was and plumb it to the standard one with the old aircon fans on it, also at some point i'll replace the viscious fan with a leccy one, surly that should keep the bl00dy temp down a bit the bonnet Vince
                              made is terrific but hes pretty good with welding etc, i only got an old arc welder which is ok for heavy gauge metal but useless on thin so i'm looking at that impreza scoop on demon tweeks, right size according to the bloke to cover the hole in my hood, good luck with yours
                              Too young to die and too old to give a toss

