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The Government at it again.

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  • The Government at it again.

    Latest is about the enviromental impact, concreting over your front garden does. Next thing is that they will make it illegal, then put up prices for larger engined vehicles to park on the road, or just not allow them to be parked on the road.
    Also, now you should have a bad conscience about using veg oil as some poor baby is starving to death somewhere, as there is not enough land to grow food.
    What is happening in this country, about too many things to mention, is very very insidious and slowly, if not quickly, the government will control all your actions.
    In some ways i am happy to be 60 and have no kids, to have to worry about there future. Bit selfish i know.
    Sorry about the rant, but this country is getting worse and worse. Wouldn't be so bad if they takled the large companies, who rather pay thousands every year in fines than change there practises as its cheaper.
    Philip, having a little global warming under my collar!!!
    Still Searching,
    Dick Whittington