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Close shave yesterday

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  • Close shave yesterday

    Comeing back from london just north of hindhead, yesterday, the traffic was doing about 70-80, i saw a white astra type van way up ahead dont know if the woman in front of me flashed him out or he pulled out at the last minuit, but she braked hard as he pulled out, i was about 30 car lenghts from her and only just stopped about 3 ft from her, looked in the mirror and a cherokee
    was weaveing toward me in the end he swerved on to the verge to avoid hitting me, certainly makes yer heart miss a beat, the poor old abdul was fast asleep next to me, f**kin soon woke up when i hit the breaks, he nearly $hit himself poor sod, woke up to see the arse end of a car approaching him at speed,
    some crazy people about,
    Too young to die and too old to give a toss

  • #2
    Has anyone done much to beef up the brakes on their Surf Mine takes some stopping I know it's a heavy beast of a thing but I can stop an artic quicker!

    Cheers JB
    Last edited by Highlander1; 24 May 2007, 22:16.
    www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org


    • #3
      Originally posted by Highlander1
      Has anyone done much to beef up the brakes on their Surf Mine takes some stopping I know it's a heavy beast of a thing but I can stop an artic quicker!

      Cheers JB
      I was driveing a saxo otherwise i'd have been on top of the car in front
      Too young to die and too old to give a toss


      • #4
        when mine need doing ill be getting uprated disks and pads on the front.
        any emergency braking just sheers the pads. i can tell because the alloys go black with brake dust.
        lucky no one was hurt.
        i had a similar incident on the m25 a few years ago. a family up ahead in a 205 swerved into someone i was with to try and scare him i think. but the sudden jolt made the 205 fish tail for ages before eventually smashing into the barrier and then the person i was following a couple of times causeing the car i was folliowing to do 360's and then the 205 veered off to the left, over the curb, over the bank, through a fence and come to a halt on all 4 wheels. i dont know how many times it rolled. the young girl in the back was thrown out. i didnt see the 205 after it veered off. i was too busy looking in my rear view mirror as the person behind me had locked up and was about to hit me. i had to keep letting off the brakes whilst trying to stay clear of the car that was spinning around in front.
        took us a good few minutes to find the 205. when we ran over there the driver was just climbing out the back door.
        Oh Nana, what's my name?


        • #5
          All the more reason for not owning (little) French cars
          Mine WAS a 150 bhp V6 and ran on PETROL


          • #6
            Originally posted by PDR
            All the more reason for not owning (little) French cars

            I aggre, only useing this (my son's while he's away), it's soddin uncompfortable, every little bump goes up ya spine and all your doing is change gear all the time, cant get nowt in it, did manage two surf wheels tho,
            however the brake's work ok thank god
            Too young to die and too old to give a toss


            • #7
              Originally posted by ian619
              I aggre, only useing this (my son's while he's away), it's soddin uncompfortable, every little bump goes up ya spine and all your doing is change gear all the time, cant get nowt in it, did manage two surf wheels tho,
              however the brake's work ok thank god
              the pedals are too close together aswell, and if you put your foot in the wrong place and turn the steering wheel, you can feel the column moving through your foot
              Oh Nana, what's my name?

