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Damm PC

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  • #16
    Cheers guys, there was no clicking noise and the safe mode didn't work. They gave me the old PSU and hard drive so could try what you've said. I'm not sure if they used a mulitmetre. To be fair I don't really know much when it comes to computers so may have had my pants pulled down about the PSU, who knows but it's all working again now and will try using my old Hard Drive as a slave to see if I can save the files. If I can figure out how to do that.

    Born to be wild!!


    • #17
      Originally posted by mudhog
      Cheers guys, there was no clicking noise and the safe mode didn't work. They gave me the old PSU and hard drive so could try what you've said. I'm not sure if they used a mulitmetre. To be fair I don't really know much when it comes to computers so may have had my pants pulled down about the PSU, who knows but it's all working again now and will try using my old Hard Drive as a slave to see if I can save the files. If I can figure out how to do that.
      is the old hard drive sata or IDE (pata) ? (google sata and then pata you will see the connections)
      if its pata or ide its a little more involved to connect them. you have to set the jumper on your disk, OR if its set correctly at cable select, you can just plug it in.
      if its sata then just plug it in, and dont do anything but turn it on. the bios will not be looking for it to boot from because you already are booting of the disk you have now
      Oh Nana, what's my name?

