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  • Speedo

    Any one had there speedo clock thing changed for a MPH one?

    If so any idea of costs?

    Just checking it out now with Toyota at Colne.

    Will post results...
    3rd Gen 96' Blue N Silver 3.0ltr TD

  • #2
    Originally posted by winnybob
    Any one had there speedo clock thing changed for a MPH one?

    If so any idea of costs?

    Just checking it out now with Toyota at Colne.

    Will post results...
    On most of the speedos it's a case of fitting a new speedo facia - most of them are done like this for the SVA. A new speedo from Toyota will still be a KPH one and will need a new face. You can get the facias from Milners I think. A new speedo will cost you around £120 (I had to have a new one on mine).



    • #3
      I've just bought a new Speedo face for mine - planning on doing it as my "Sunday Afternoon Job" this Sunday if I'm not too hungover!

      I'll try and take some pics as I go and do a write-up if I can be arsed!!
      Unless someone's already done one of course...

      '92 2.4TD SSR-X AUTO
      "You Sir are drunk!"
      "Ahh yes Madam, but you are ugly and in the morning I shall be sober."


      • #4
        My 3rd gen came with a reducer on the speedo cable. The advantage is that, not only do you keep the original speedo face, but the trip now reads miles instead of kms


        • #5
          Toyota came back to me....Sort of...

          Originally posted by Robster
          I've just bought a new Speedo face for mine - planning on doing it as my "Sunday Afternoon Job" this Sunday if I'm not too hungover!

          I'll try and take some pics as I go and do a write-up if I can be arsed!!
          Unless someone's already done one of course...
          Cheers....I'd appreciate it if you did....I'll hang on and see how you go.
          I guess I'll have to buy a plate anyway..Where did you get it?

          Toyota parts/service guy ummmbed and arrre'd and finaly said...I'll have to wait till my boss get's back from sick leave before I can give you a price....but I can tell you now it'll be expensive.....£300+..because we charge £52.50+VAT/hour labour and this will be a long job......so I said I'd call him back if I realy needed to..........but he had to say it he just had to push me right away from giving then any sort of business....."well you know that these grey import parts cost more don't you...." I just laughed and said fine...there's not much point me talking to you any more...is there....goodbye.....LOL. Idiot..

          Onward and Upward
          3rd Gen 96' Blue N Silver 3.0ltr TD


          • #6
            Well, I'm a mechanical dumbass and acknowledged "Spannerphobe", but I'm keen to have a go! I've been led to belive it's not that bad a job to do!

            I bought my fascia off ebay, as it worked out fractionally cheaper than Milners as they charge a whopping postage fee and I didn't need anything else to throw into the order and balance it out.

            Any hints and tips from you guys who've already done it before I go ahead and rip the dash out?!


            '92 2.4TD SSR-X AUTO
            "You Sir are drunk!"
            "Ahh yes Madam, but you are ugly and in the morning I shall be sober."


            • #7
              Originally posted by winnybob
              I just laughed and said fine...there's not much point me talking to you any more...is there....goodbye.....LOL. Idiot..
              Bwahahahaha!!!! Classic line. Love it.


              4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


              • #8
                Originally posted by winnybob
                Any one had there speedo clock thing changed for a MPH one?

                If so any idea of costs?

                Just checking it out now with Toyota at Colne.

                Will post results...
                Look here, you'll get some tips.

                Also, I'm sure I read somewhere about having the ignition on when you re-fit the needle, but I'm not 100 o/o sure, anyone???
                There will be more, search under dials, facias or speedo.

                Last edited by Pete; 12 February 2004, 21:54.


                • #9
                  I changed mine, it gave me a chance to give everything a good clean at the same time. The pig is getting the speedo console out. I also changed the light bulbs aswell as some had blown. It took a good afternoon to do but was straight forward. My advice is to carefully position the needle back in its original location, otherwise your speedo will read wrong (you have to pull the needle off to fit the new back plate, oer missus !). I got mine from milners and it didn't have the needle stop peg so I had to take the dashboard apart and keep adjusting the needle until i got it reading somewhere near!

                  Good luck !!!


                  • #10
                    This might help, courtesy of Joey.


                    If life's an uphill struggle then downhill from now on can't be that bad?!


                    • #11
                      Thanks Guys.....Milners it is then.....

                      Will get on the blower tomorrow........

                      Milners Shopping list so far......

                      1, Facia Plate...
                      2, Filter Kit
                      3, TBD...

                      Any thing else....??....I did like the white dials on Joey's instructions from rich link.....Anyone no where to get some from?....

                      3rd Gen 96' Blue N Silver 3.0ltr TD


                      • #12
                        Ok, I'm in the throes of pulling my instrument panel out (Oooer Mrs) to change the fascia, but, being the self-confessed mechanical dumbass and spannerphobe that I am, I've fallen at the first hurdle!

                        How do you get the damn thing out?! I dont even know wher to start!

                        Any help offered before it gets dark will be most appreciated!!

                        Where's the damn manual when you need one...

                        '92 2.4TD SSR-X AUTO
                        "You Sir are drunk!"
                        "Ahh yes Madam, but you are ugly and in the morning I shall be sober."


                        • #13
                          Read this it should help,it was back in this thread.



                          • #14
                            Right, all done - tested and working fine!! Not too bad once I got my teeth into it, about 2 hours from start to finish including nipping to Halfruads to replace my front speakers while I had the thing in pieces!!

                            It's not fully dark yet, so I haven't seen the new dials fully lit, but my only comment so far is that it looks like the illumination on the new dials isn't as even as on the old one. Looks like there may be a bright spot around 80mph! Oh well...poor mans cruise control!

                            Oh yeah, I took some pics as I went (whenever I remembered) so I'll do a little write up soon.

                            Just don't mention the 2 "spare" screws I now have!!

                            Also, having had the instrument cluster out, I'm pretty satisfied that my mileage (or kilometerage) is accurate. There doesn't seem to be any evidence of anyone poking around in there for many, many years judging by all the lovely dust and dirt in there!
                            Last edited by Robster; 15 February 2004, 17:30.

                            '92 2.4TD SSR-X AUTO
                            "You Sir are drunk!"
                            "Ahh yes Madam, but you are ugly and in the morning I shall be sober."


                            • #15

                              My new dial plate arrived first thing saturday.......so off to work I went. Sorry couldn't wait....

                              Got it all out........lower upper centre dash....then thought sod it....off to halfords in my misses car to buy myself a replacement radio cd player....£100 quid later.....I'm installing mi new stereo...havin a great time by now....I put it all back together in great time.....

                              this is the spooky bit..........I also find myself with two Screws????

                              Spooky eh!!

                              3rd Gen 96' Blue N Silver 3.0ltr TD

