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Ran 596 miles in one day

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  • Ran 596 miles in one day


    I have just come back from Great South of England-shire. I jumped on my bike to visit a mate who introduced me to the deepest country in his Discovery with winch, rock sliders, high jacks, ground spikes etc etc.

    I didn't realise there was such fun to be had riding round the country side.

    I'd gone down on my bike to save fuel OK it only took a few arse numbing hours but when I arrived I was p*** wet through cold and very numb.

    I'd used about the same in mpg as I would have done travelling in the Surf." bikes drink fuel on motorways"

    The surf would have taken me 3 times as long but I'd have been dry could have slept in the back and would have something to play with on the dirt tracks while I was down there with my mate.

    The bikes speedo broke and battery was knacked so It sat in his drive all week till I could get the parts.

    I think at this time of year I will leave the bike in the garage from now on and do my visiting by Surf. I had no Idea that you could travel from one side of deepest England-shire to the other by way of farm tracks from field to field. Marvelous.

    Both bike and Surf have there places but I am seeing another side to this off roading thanks jon for a brilliant week.

    Cheers JB
    www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org

  • #2
    Maybe I should add that Jon was very knowledgeable about where he could and couldn't go inorder to keep those rambler folk and farmers on his good side we didn't just go out and rip up the countryside.

    Cheers JB
    www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org

