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Speed Cameras

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  • #16
    Originally posted by smurfL6
    Did you notice a puddle under the speed van... Cos I know a bloke who knows a bloke,,,wink wink, who drilled a hole in the floor of his van so he wouldn't miss a opportunity to catch somebody speeding. he could do his business on the job....
    wouldnt be surprised. but i doubt the hole was drilled. probably used tupperware
    Oh Nana, what's my name?


    • #17
      Originally posted by tonyppe
      good on ya mate
      my friend was coming back from workin nights on the rail, and went past one over the limit, no one on road and he was knackered. it wound him up so much he screetched, reversed back up, spotted the two front wheels up with the handbrake on whist tooting the horn, and then went home
      hope nothing comes of it.... if it happened
      So basically, on the off chance he might have got away with it, he made sure he annoyed them enough to garrentee they followed it up?

      Not very sensible.
      4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


      • #18
        Originally posted by TonyN
        So basically, on the off chance he might have got away with it, he made sure he annoyed them enough to garrentee they followed it up?
        your probably right
        Oh Nana, what's my name?


        • #19
          Originally posted by Grimreeper
          For those of you out there that dont read MCN (motor cycling news) they have been following the introduction of radio chip in the number plates of bikes relaying reg, vin no, etc back to any police car, hand held unit and no plate recognition. this is claimed to be for a number of reasons like for stolen bikes but the main reason is forward facing speed cameras or loosing a small fortune in revinue as the can photo the speeding biker but cant prove anything as they have no forward facing reg plate.
          Just another revenue building tactic.
          And if it works how long 'till it's fitted to all vehicles??

          Also how long 'till they clock you out of one town into the next, work out you must have been speeding somewhere using average speed over distance and book you!
          My other cars a QUAD
          (sv1000spilot on surf forums)


          • #20
            Originally posted by sv1000spilot
            And if it works how long 'till it's fitted to all vehicles??

            Also how long 'till they clock you out of one town into the next, work out you must have been speeding somewhere using average speed over distance and book you!

            I think you'll find it's called SPECS and is under trial/in use already - I believe it works on number plate recognition .......

            Life is too important to take seriously !


            • #21
              What do you think the "Road Pricing" thing is all about?
              It's a ludicrously expensive and complicated way of collecting a tax they already collect via VED and fuel duty, but it is certainly a great way of knowing where every vehicle in the country is, at all times, where they went, how fast etc etc.
              Iron Felix and Heinrich H must be laughing their socks off in Hell right now

              I am not a number. I am a FREE MAN!


              • #22
                do you really want it documentated where you are every minute every day of your life?
                and they can only measure your speed over a distance if the road is a constant speed limit.
                around where i live we drove over a good 30 minute distance and the trip computer stated our average speed was 14mph. even though some of the time we were doing 40mph in roads that were 30.
                so, we get taxed on our income, then we pay road tax, fuel tax, congestion charging and now they want to charge a road pricing scheme.
                on top of that, your eployer has to pay employees tax for the priveledge of employing you.
                it annoys me a lot when i see the road being dug up for overly large speed humps that im quite sure over the height limit, and other wasteful government funds, including the council taxes we pay for housing illegal immigrants
                Oh Nana, what's my name?


                • #23
                  Originally posted by tonyppe
                  do you really want it documentated where you are every minute every day of your life?
                  and they can only measure your speed over a distance if the road is a constant speed limit.
                  around where i live we drove over a good 30 minute distance and the trip computer stated our average speed was 14mph. even though some of the time we were doing 40mph in roads that were 30.
                  so, we get taxed on our income, then we pay road tax, fuel tax, congestion charging and now they want to charge a road pricing scheme.
                  on top of that, your eployer has to pay employees tax for the priveledge of employing you.
                  it annoys me a lot when i see the road being dug up for overly large speed humps that im quite sure over the height limit, and other wasteful government funds, including the council taxes we pay for housing illegal immigrants

                  Here you go, I'll be joining you soon.........



                  • #24
                    Originally posted by MattF
                    What did they charge him with? Careless driving due to what, exactly?
                    sorry for the delay in replying, I blame the missus!

                    Aparently they did it because he only had one had on the wheel and had done this a number of times, they used the same reasoning as why they are now trying to ban smoking, eating, drinking, use of sat nav, changing tapes & discs, claiming that it is careless driving to take your hand off the wheel

                    can you believe that one....... next thing it will be a ban on changing gear for the very same reasons! Or they will ban one handed drivers

                    it's complete and utter bullsh1t just because people object to speed cameras, round our way they are now using CCTV camera's to protect the speed cameras. Wouldn't it be simpler to employ more traffic police

                    Originally posted by bushwacker
                    hehehe!! I pulled over and parked behind one of those camera vans in a lay-by a couple of weeks ago, close enough to be in their 'line of fire' I switched my engine off and phoned my missus for a chat.
                    Perfectly legal mate that's why most of them park right at the beginning of a lay bye, or get the local council to make them a special bay, mind you the coppers round our way will probably try and do you for obstructing the police
                    Last edited by coolsv650; 18 May 2007, 12:24.
                    Bring me the head of a treehugger


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
                      Here you go, I'll be joining you soon.........

                      australia is good. ive got 3 years at least before i can get a trade behind me so they will let me in.
                      ive sent off the application form for a college today already..
                      i wouldnt mind somewhere like canada or america either.
                      Oh Nana, what's my name?


                      • #26
                        Just a little article from about 4 years ago, makes interesting reading.
                        Gone from 4x4 to 1x2


                        • #27
                          I wonder if the guy would have gotten away if he'd kept his fingers to himself. Cocky isn't the word.

                          www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org

