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Speed Cameras

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  • Speed Cameras

    A COCKY biker who thought he was above the law when he raced past speed cameras in Leighton with two fingers in the air has been banned from driving.
    Philip Coffey knew his picture was taken time and time again, at speeds up to 105 mph, but with his face obscured by his helmet and no number plate on the front of his high-powered BMW, he thought he would get away with it.

    But the 45-year-old bus driver found himself in court facing 10 charges of dangerous driving.

    Coffey, who told a jury "I don't like the existence of them in this country", hadn't reckoned on the determination of police who made extensive checks which revealed just three similar machines to his in the county.

    Also markings on his leathers when he was eventually traced, could be picked out on the pictures.

    Coffey, from Dunstable, was told by Judge Michael Kay QC at Luton Crown Court on Tuesday: "Some of these speeds were eye-watering. You decided to take the system on and I am pleased to say you lost."

    A jury cleared him of dangerous driving, but convicted him of nine counts of careless driving.

    He then pleaded guilty to a further nine charges of speeding, during the same period in the same locations.

    The offences covered a period between February and June last year when he was caught by the same three cameras in Leighton on the A505 bypass and another in Dunstable.

    Coffey was caught nine
    more times, on one occasion twice the same day, but at slightly lower speeds and without gesturing.

    The bus driver had pleaded not guilty to all the dangerous driving charges.

    He was banned from driving for a year, fined £900 with £600 costs.

    Judge Kay said that the ban meant he did not need to impose penalty points, but if he had done there would have been 72.

    He told him: "It is not clear why you did this apart from sheer cussedness. There are a group of people who think cameras should not be there at all and it is some sort of state conspiracy and an
    infringement of personal rights.

    "But these cameras had been placed at locations where there had been accidents involving fatalities."

    Under cross examination Coffey accepted that he thought he would not get caught. He said he did not drive dangerously as he used his good observation and long experience as a biker.
    From http://www.leightonbuzzardonline.co....icleid=2884995
    There are 10 kind of people in the world, those that understand binary and those that don't.

    'There's no place like'

  • #2
    I notice that he was cleared by the jury of dangerous driving. Shame the cameras are unable to differtiate what constitues a danger on the roads.

    Furthermore, points are so prevalent on peoples licences that Swinton have announced that they are no longer considering these to be worthy of an increase in the insurance premium. Speeding does not constitute a bad driver, according to their database. I have to agree.


    • #3
      lots of ifs and buts. i completely disagree with putting 50 or 40mph zones then all of a sudden ending those zones into a 30mph and flopping a camera right there.
      if they are going to do that then they should have the lines drawn on the road that get increasingly closer together so it feels to you like your speeding up, so automatically you slow down.
      they cant expect us to be fixed on our speedos - thats careless in itself, more for some people.
      its funny you should put this here, on the way home down the a217 there was a mobile police camera van with the back window down. even though i was sticking to the speed , they still got the finger
      Oh Nana, what's my name?


      • #4
        Originally posted by tonyppe
        lots of ifs and buts. i completely disagree with putting 50 or 40mph zones then all of a sudden ending those zones into a 30mph and flopping a camera right there.
        if they are going to do that then they should have the lines drawn on the road that get increasingly closer together so it feels to you like your speeding up, so automatically you slow down.
        they cant expect us to be fixed on our speedos - thats careless in itself, more for some people.
        its funny you should put this here, on the way home down the a217 there was a mobile police camera van with the back window down. even though i was sticking to the speed , they still got the finger
        Be careful with that one they've already done somebody for careless driving for doing the exact same thing
        Bring me the head of a treehugger


        • #5
          Originally posted by coolsv650
          Be careful with that one they've already done somebody for careless driving for doing the exact same thing
          What did they charge him with? Careless driving due to what, exactly?


          • #6
            For those of you out there that dont read MCN (motor cycling news) they have been following the introduction of radio chip in the number plates of bikes relaying reg, vin no, etc back to any police car, hand held unit and no plate recognition. this is claimed to be for a number of reasons like for stolen bikes but the main reason is forward facing speed cameras or loosing a small fortune in revinue as the can photo the speeding biker but cant prove anything as they have no forward facing reg plate.
            Just another revenue building tactic.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Grimreeper
              For those of you out there that dont read MCN (motor cycling news) they have been following the introduction of radio chip in the number plates of bikes relaying reg, vin no, etc back to any police car, hand held unit and no plate recognition. this is claimed to be for a number of reasons like for stolen bikes but the main reason is forward facing speed cameras or loosing a small fortune in revinue as the can photo the speeding biker but cant prove anything as they have no forward facing reg plate.
              Just another revenue building tactic.
              If it's for vehicle protection, why hasn't the same been done for other vehicles then? They must think this country is full of nitwits.


              • #8
                [QUOTE=Grimreeper]For those of you out there that dont read MCN (motor cycling news) they have been following the introduction of radio chip in the number plates of bikes relaying reg, vin no, etc back to any police car, hand held unit and no plate recognition. this is claimed to be for a number of reasons like for stolen bikes but the main reason is forward facing speed QUOTE]

                but isn't that what insurance approved Data tag and alpha dot etc. type security do anyway?

                The details of the bike are logged into a database that the Police can access from the reg. number of the bike.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by tonyppe
                  lots of ifs and buts. i completely disagree with putting 50 or 40mph zones then all of a sudden ending those zones into a 30mph and flopping a camera right there.
                  if they are going to do that then they should have the lines drawn on the road that get increasingly closer together so it feels to you like your speeding up, so automatically you slow down.
                  they cant expect us to be fixed on our speedos - thats careless in itself, more for some people.
                  its funny you should put this here, on the way home down the a217 there was a mobile police camera van with the back window down. even though i was sticking to the speed , they still got the finger

                  hehehe!! I pulled over and parked behind one of those camera vans in a lay-by a couple of weeks ago, close enough to be in their 'line of fire' I switched my engine off and phoned my missus for a chat.


                  • #10
                    Did you notice a puddle under the speed van... Cos I know a bloke who knows a bloke,,,wink wink, who drilled a hole in the floor of his van so he wouldn't miss a opportunity to catch somebody speeding. he could do his business on the job....


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by MattF
                      If it's for vehicle protection, why hasn't the same been done for other vehicles then? They must think this country is full of nitwits.
                      Matt, this country is full of of nitwits, thats how they ( our masters) get away with all that they do. There are millions of nitwits on our Island who are happy to beleive " if youve done nothing wrong you have nothing to fear" and allow all those trustworthy groups, government, police, councils, to build masive databases of DNA, iris scans fingerprints and your most intimate secrets, medical data , whatever. Those same nitwits are happy to believe that all future governmemts and regimes will only ever use this store of data for YOUR benefit. Those same nitwits will be happy to have rfd chips in their passports, black boxes in their cars and barcodes on their arses if the government said it was a good thing

                      Сви можемо


                      • #12
                        "High power BMW"...now that IS funny


                        • #13
                          Why is it the normal working man has more sense than a 100 MP's.

                          Revolution is needed. Viva La castro


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
                            hehehe!! I pulled over and parked behind one of those camera vans in a lay-by a couple of weeks ago, close enough to be in their 'line of fire' I switched my engine off and phoned my missus for a chat.
                            good on ya mate
                            my friend was coming back from workin nights on the rail, and went past one over the limit, no one on road and he was knackered. it wound him up so much he screetched, reversed back up, spotted the two front wheels up with the handbrake on whist tooting the horn, and then went home
                            hope nothing comes of it.... if it happened
                            Oh Nana, what's my name?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by M35A2
                              Why is it the normal working man has more sense than a 100 MP's.

                              Revolution is needed. Viva La castro
                              because its not what you know that seems to count. there are plenty of people who see other answers. but us little people cant do anything about it.
                              Oh Nana, what's my name?

