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How about a sweepstake then ?

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  • How about a sweepstake then ?

    How long before somebody announces a fatwah on this bloke here

    Hope he's got good life insurance !

    Life is too important to take seriously !

  • #2
    was a very good little vid
    Hold my beer and watch this


    • #3
      Originally posted by Predictable Bob

      How long before somebody announces a fatwah on this bloke here

      Hope he's got good life insurance !

      I think that any insurance policy he may have would be void after that little outburst And he was calling Muslims extremists



      • #4

        I wonder how many people were nodding in agreement
        Onwards Binky


        • #5
          Originally posted by Steve Mc

          I wonder how many people were nodding in agreement
          Me for one..


          • #6
            This guy is better than most TV reporters I've watched. Get him to do the next program on 4 X 4's I'm sure he would give a more 'open' account than that idiot John Sargent!
            'Tis better to sting than to be stung!


            • #7
              And me... I like the comments about the veils the muslim women wear..

              "If god wanted them to wear one he would have given you a flap of skin"..!

              Ha ha haaa how funny!
              -=I swear to drunk I'm not god=-


              • #8
                Well, what can I say, a well considered and thoughtful arguement of the times we live in and the change of tone towards the end had me crying with laughter, sad thing is "It's all true".
                Dyslexics of the world, UNTIE!!!!


                • #9
                  Have to aggre with most of that, is it on cd?
                  Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by max6674
                    And me... I like the comments about the veils the muslim women wear..

                    "If god wanted them to wear one he would have given you a flap of skin"..!

                    Ha ha haaa how funny!

                    so why do they wear knickers then lol

                    loved it !!!! wait till old hook arm see's it
                    Only Toyota can get you out of shite


                    • #11
                      Looking at some of the other videos on there...


                      Lucky B*s*rd

                      Holy $$$$, Thats some talent

                      Very Cool!
                      Paul </Slugsie>
                      Immortal.so far!


                      • #12
                        ive always said how funny the clerics dont attach a bomb to themseleves...but get the stupid thick idiots to do it for em......ahhh fatwah..

                        Religion abused by those wanting power!

                        the cobra will more than likely be de-fanged etc
                        Last edited by Gizmo; 15 May 2007, 21:29.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Gizmo
                          Religion abused by those wanting power!
                          That's what all religions are. A convenient method for the power/money hungry zealots to control the masses. Every religion follows those traits.


                          • #14
                            Can we get that bloke as our next PM? Have to agree with every word he said.

                            WTF - that Cobra must have been de-fanged to let that kid anywhere near him. Wonder how long he'll survive if he comes across one that's not a family pet!!
                            Mike G

