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Roughtrax / bullbars/ new law thing

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  • Roughtrax / bullbars/ new law thing

    For those not on roughtrax mailing list...

    Frontal Protection System Legislation
    Latest News on Frontal Protection Systems that we have received from the DTTS

    Frontal Protection Systems (FPS)

    The compliance of after market FPS will be controlled under the General Products Safety Regulations 2005, which prohibits the placing on the market of any dangerous goods. It will therefore be illegal to place on the market, or offer for sale, any non-compliant FPS after 25th May 2007.

    HOWEVER, whilst the legislation has been transposed into UK law for Whole Vehicle Type Approval, the Department has yet to carry out the public consultation with all interested parties and transpose this legislation for after market use. We therefore feel it would not be prudent to enforce non-compliance at this time and would not expect this to happen until the transposition is completed later this year, probably around October or November.

    Department for Transport Technology and Standards
    Zone 2/05
    Great Minster House
    76 Marsham Street
    London SW1P 4DR

    Tel: 020 7944 2115
    Fax: 020 7944 2196

    “In other words” – It is perfectly legal to sale ‘Front Bars’ until at least October/November although we believe it will be longer, All Bars bought and fitted before this date will still be legal to have fitted to your vehicle after this date.

    "Good News all round"

    I am a little concerned by a law banning the sale of 'all dangerous goods..' just about anything can be dangerous in the wrong hands. An Abar is not inherently dangerous, but wandering about in traffic is...
    it's in me shed, mate.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Chillitt
    I am a little concerned by a law banning the sale of 'all dangerous goods..' just about anything can be dangerous in the wrong hands. An Abar is not inherently dangerous, but wandering about in traffic is...
    Very true. In fact, I'd say that the car it's attached to is inherently more dangerous than the a-bar its self.
    Paul </Slugsie>
    Immortal.so far!


    • #3
      Originally posted by Slugsie
      Very true. In fact, I'd say that the car it's attached to is inherently more dangerous than the a-bar its self.
      It's not the car, it's the person driving it. If you're a careful and safe driver then you'd be less dangerous than some idiot driving badly.
      Hold my beer and watch this


      • #4
        Originally posted by captain_chaos
        It's not the car, it's the person driving it. If you're a careful and safe driver then you'd be less dangerous than some idiot driving badly.
        Ooooh, I like your thinking. Lets ban idiots! That should clear out most MPs and tree huggers.
        Paul </Slugsie>
        Immortal.so far!


        • #5
          Originally posted by Slugsie
          Ooooh, I like your thinking. Lets ban idiots! That should clear out most MPs and tree huggers.
          Well we just need to enforce a bit of common sense. Teach people that if you run into a road without looking and get hit by a car, then it will hurt. You don't need to find out for yourself. There are just never ending rules and regualtions that just assumes everyone is stupid and has to be wrapped in cotton wool.
          Hold my beer and watch this


          • #6
            Got my new 3" A bar from Roughtrax delivered yesterday and have just finnished fitting it. Not bad for Ł200.


            • #7
              Originally posted by craftyc
              Got my new 3" A bar from Roughtrax delivered yesterday and have just finnished fitting it. Not bad for Ł200.
              That's the one I have. Very shiney.
              Paul </Slugsie>
              Immortal.so far!


              • #8
                Me too, with the ACC angel spots.

                yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


                • #9
                  Nanny state gone mad!! nuts to em!
                  Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                  • #10
                    i had a right load of abuse off a passing cyclist at the weekend about the state of my front bars, he didn,t stick around long enough to here my reply though


                    • #11
                      How can you stop selling anything thats dangerous??

                      Everthing is dangerous, I saw Riddick kill a man with his tea cup, does that mean we'll have to all use polystyrene cups?

                      Pencils can be dangerous too, if someone jams one into your eye!

                      And don't get me started on power tools, anybody seen "driller killer" ??

                      Still working for the man!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by jamsironwork
                        i had a right load of abuse off a passing cyclist at the weekend about the state of my front bars, he didn,t stick around long enough to here my reply though
                        looks death race 2000 that , is it road legal?, mot?
                        The benchmark....


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by plumb bob
                          How can you stop selling anything thats dangerous??

                          Everthing is dangerous, I saw Riddick kill a man with his tea cup, does that mean we'll have to all use polystyrene cups?

                          Pencils can be dangerous too, if someone jams one into your eye!

                          And don't get me started on power tools, anybody seen "driller killer" ??

                          LOL they are already starting i remember reading somewhere that pint glasses are to be changed from glass to plastic!!! why not stop the dickheads that cant have a drink without kicking off and needing to hit people with glasses from drinking!?! or even better from going out at all
                          it never rain it pours! glad I got the 4X4


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Slugsie
                            Very true. In fact, I'd say that the car it's attached to is inherently more dangerous than the a-bar its self.
                            i dunno, i'm sure i could pick up an A bar and beat a tree hugger severely round the head with it quite easily!
                            cars are much heavier and harder to chase people round trees with!
                            nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by huff_diggler
                              looks death race 2000 that , is it road legal?, mot?
                              yes is legal, was even pulled over by police for an illegal front number plate and he didn,t even mention it, not even a sarcastic comment must have been an off day

