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john sargent anti 4x4 idiot ch 3 itv

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  • john sargent anti 4x4 idiot ch 3 itv

    how funny was that a program that it was the most one sided silly atitude i have evar seen' it was like if this big 4x4 hits you it wil hurt you more than this other car lol and this is how driving a 4x4 wil make your driving very bad' you wil be a very bad person by driving one we where howling with laughter it must have been made for 7 year olds by 7 year olds i thort but no it was a so called intelingent anti 4x4 program made by a bloke called john sargent or somthing like that if ever ther was a stupid one sided program this has got to be the one science and mentality of a seven year old` no granarda's john sargent clown of all clowns

  • #2
    These idiot driven proggy's only sell more 4X4's.

    ITV are wrong, OK they got caught cheating with brain dead compo's, they know their viewers so f-ck 'em, who cares anyway! Cheap & nasty TV, better suited to USA . Did anyboby watch the proggy after the anti 4X4 promoting boob job or any plastic surgery for 10 - 14 year old girls?

    Sh!te TV = ITV.


    • #3
      Originally posted by AuldNick
      These idiot driven proggy's only sell more 4X4's.

      ITV are wrong, OK they got caught cheating with brain dead compo's, they know their viewers so f-ck 'em, who cares anyway! Cheap & nasty TV, better suited to USA . Did anyboby watch the proggy after the anti 4X4 promoting boob job or any plastic surgery for 10 - 14 year old girls?

      Sh!te TV = ITV.
      Yeah, awesome stuff!

      "She wanted bigger t1ts at 16, and we didn't want to see her unhappy so we paid for them"

      Typical of this countries 'instant gratification' society! We're off to hell in a handcart, as they say!

      'The man who's arms exploded' was much more highbrow
      Cutting steps in the roof of the world


      • #4
        Originally posted by Apache
        Yeah, awesome stuff!

        "She wanted bigger t1ts at 16, and we didn't want to see her unhappy so we paid for them"

        Typical of this countries 'instant gratification' society! We're off to hell in a handcart, as they say!

        'The man who's arms exploded' was much more highbrow
        was that on again? he probably would of been ok if he didnt do silly things like accidentally drop the needle, pick it up and blow the dirt off, then inject the steroids into his arms.
        Oh Nana, what's my name?


        • #5
          well guess we all watched and swore at the tv last night. For those still wishing to vent thier anger further then try these links
          Hold my beer and watch this


          • #6
            Well if the Tree hugging, do gooders want to sacrifice their own personal safety by driving small cars that are virtual death traps, then that’s their funeral.

            If “self preservation” (by driving a big safe 4x4) is “selfish”, then I hold my hand up…. I’m selfish!! Just so long as I’m not the cause of an accident, then I don’t give a dam what happens to any idiot who runs into me…. So long as their insurance pays for the damage.

            Oh, and I’m surprised that “bull bars” didn’t get a mention.

            Mine WAS a 150 bhp V6 and ran on PETROL


            • #7
              That John Sargent looks like a bald Jo Brand.


              • #8
                Has anyone suggested to ITV they do a programme giving the other side of the argument?

                I for one would be interested to see the exact opposite crash test ie) a civic at 60mph into the side of a mk1 shogun at 30. A very unrealistic crash scenario anyway, but not according to Mr Sargeant "it could happen at any A-road junction"

                I reckon the civic would do exactly the same to the shogun as the shogun did to the civic in as far as it would go straight through it. Only the civic would also be dismantled on the way. It'd be interesting to see it the other way round anyway.

                As for the typical 4x4 owners they chose at random, good one mate A lowered 6l v8 escalade with a body kit and neons FFS

                Things this one-sided $$$$ me off, biased

                The only good thing about this programme was it was so blatant that hopefully the public will see straight through it, and if they don't they'll take no notice just to spite the annoying f___ker from the TV who doesn't stop whinging.

                =SOLD UP!=


                • #9
                  Originally posted by nero279
                  Has anyone suggested to ITV they do a programme giving the other side of the argument?
                  I doubt it, that would upset the treehuggers
                  Hold my beer and watch this


                  • #10
                    and a little more lighthearted maybe but finally the truth about 4x4s and pedestrians...

                    =SOLD UP!=


                    • #11

                      So if I understand this right we can improve pedestrian safety by getting a HUUUUGGGGGEEEEEE lift and fitting 35" MT's ?

                      Can we lobby Uncle Gordon for tax breaks for doing these important safety modifications ?

                      Life is too important to take seriously !


                      • #12
                        damn straight what was the address for that government petitions website?
                        =SOLD UP!=

