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work this out - amusing

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  • work this out - amusing

    i work in IT, and the call centre is in texas. they log our calls through a ticket system and fill out the details for us to do. this call just come in:

    user said that he is locked out of his blackberry pin is incorrect
    user is unable to answer cell due to being locked out user also does not have another phone to be contacted on

    these are the only details apart from a work number, but he isnt here. sort of thing that gets you thinking of hitting head on table... doh!
    Oh Nana, what's my name?

  • #2
    I can sympathise.... i work in telecoms supporting large business systems and we often get tickets from our 'Help' desk stating the user's phone is not working.... but no other contact numbers..

    The other one is where the caller reports a faulty handset but when you go an to test it , it sounds fine... then you get the real 'fault' their colleague had theirs replaced and it's much nicer than the one they've got....!!

    Gotta have a crystal ball in this game..!!

    Where are you in Carshalton, i was born in St Helier and lived in Middelton Road
    Had enough... going to live in Spain....


    • #3
      Originally posted by Helen
      then you get the real 'fault' their colleague had theirs replaced and it's much nicer than the one they've got....!!
      this is why we are reluctant to issue new equipment. because their colleages mysteriously have faults that dont happen when we look into it, but do when we go away

      i was born st helier too. i live by wrythe green now, but used to live just off beddington lane.
      road names mean nothing to me unless someone lives down there...
      is middleton road in with the 'M's'
      Oh Nana, what's my name?


      • #4
        It's in with everything...Middelton Road is the main road right through the St Helier estate... runs from Green Lane , Morden end, to Watermead Lane by the Wandle at the bottom...
        Crosses St Helier Avenue and the 'circle' roundabout with Green Wrythe Lane....
        Had enough... going to live in Spain....


        • #5
          I used to work for a company that contracted to British Gas, and we used to get jobs faxed through from various depots.

          We got a fax one day with usual customer details, and the job description " Please attend to stiff cock"

          That one got copie and faxed to all managers.

          Still working for the man!


          • #6
            Originally posted by tonyppe
            i work in IT, and the call centre is in texas. they log our calls through a ticket system and fill out the details for us to do. this call just come in:

            user said that he is locked out of his blackberry pin is incorrect
            user is unable to answer cell due to being locked out user also does not have another phone to be contacted on

            these are the only details apart from a work number, but he isnt here. sort of thing that gets you thinking of hitting head on table... doh!

            BB pin would not lock out his cell no too ? Sounds more like he has forgot his SIM PIN?

            There is only one way to lock out a BB pin and thats on the RIM Relay, and that is down to the carrier, so I dont know how he has locked them both (or I am miss reading this). Has he reported it lost or stolen or something?

            I trained RIM Europe on how BB works on GPRS rather than the sh-it two bit networks that have in the US. I used to work on Europes first BlackBerry helpdesk and also the first GPRS helpdesk in the world.. and I still have the contacts at O2.. I then moved on tho to be a UMTS (3G) network engineer for T mobile..

            Yeah I used to be a geek.. but Im over it now ... Honest !
            Last edited by max6674; 12 May 2007, 06:12.
            -=I swear to drunk I'm not god=-


            • #7
              Try taking a 50 mile each way train journey to deal with 2 calls in London:

              1) Some terminals on an AS400 not working - turned out they had set up a display in one of the office's rooms and just disconnected the coax cables without setting the termination switch on the wall (which they were often told about) - just to make things more interesting their display buried the switch

              2) A secretary complaining her dumb terminal was playing music , she even held her phone to the terminal so we could hear it - turns out she had the innards of a musical card in her drawer under the terminal

              Still I had lunch before I returned and that nicely used up most of the day
              Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


              • #8
                the ones i've come across in IT.was working for a company down in croydon through my previous employers. Got the call to go a sort out a connection in Farringdon, so got on the train etc..got there and eventually set up the machine with the modem...couldn't get a dial-tone...to cut the story short they had cancelled the line!

                Get the usual thing, buy new equipment to replace old or knackered stuff and then get their stuff is better or faster than mine, can I/we have one

                Got a call that a users pc was beeping all the time and placing characters on the screen and the user cant stop it.....you guessed it she had a file pressing down on the keyboard (hence the keyboard buffer filling up and beeping)

                Last one I got the other day....is there an issue with the email...checked it out and found nothing wrong....told user to check they had the right email address...and yup they misspelt the email
                Last edited by Gizmo; 12 May 2007, 12:33.

