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Brown for Britain!

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Tallyman
    That's probably one of the big reasons we don't trust politicians. Perhaps if they started to actually answer the questions they're asked and give honest answers then this country might well be a much better place to live.

    No, on second thoughts, I can't see myself living in Cloud Cuckoo Land!!

    You're already logged into it mate!


    • #17
      Free Pizza

      A ban on rubbish conglomerate beer & a return to quality brewing

      More Sleep
      Onwards Binky


      • #18
        some good ideas appearing here. Perhaps to limit politicians lying, they could be permanently attached to polygraphs. In the event of a lie, they receive an electric shock.
        Hold my beer and watch this


        • #19

          Can I suggest a small modification ?

          If they even THINK about lying they get 25kv - applied to their gonads !

          Life is too important to take seriously !


          • #20
            Originally posted by Predictable Bob

            Can I suggest a small modification ?

            If they even THINK about lying they get 25kv - applied to their gonads !

            As they lie anyway, can't we just cut out the middleman and give them the shock straight off, it'll save time

            Onwards Binky


            • #21

              Nah - I want to see the look in their eyes in that millisecond between them thinking about lying and the current hitting ...... the look that says "Oh sh!t - I didn't mean to do that ....."

              Life is too important to take seriously !


              • #22
                Originally posted by Predictable Bob

                .... the look that says "Oh sh!t - I didn't mean to do that ....."

                but that wont happen because they will believe that they did it for our own good and that they believed it was right and with the best of intentions.................... ...................

                just to be contravercial on another matter....HRH Charlie and Cumbilla visited our town today, cops everywhere, 1/2 of the towns parking coned off, soggy paper flags blocking the drains, crowd barriers down the main st and the local shops doing F all business, Oh yes he was welcome - not in my books!
                the tight wad has only just this year agreed to have electricity installed in one of his tennents houses, they used candles before then!
                Did I mention I have a BLUE one


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Apache
                  That's the chancellors slogan..

                  So many possible meanings...

                  "You mean we're not ALREADY in the sh1t?"

                  It's just as well he's not running against someone called Mr Pink...

                  "What do you want? Brown or Pink?"
                  Oh f**k!!! Last one out, please turn off the lights

                  Cheers, Nick
                  "The force will be with you, always!"

