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Plastic Glasses ? No thank you !

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  • Plastic Glasses ? No thank you !

    A short while ago there was a huge amount of interest in the road pricing petition however, despite the protests, it is likely that the government will proceed (albeit more slowly). Regardless of the reaction of our wonderful Government I do think there is some value in letting the elected officials know how we feel about some issues.

    The latest piece of idiocy is to replace ALL glasses in public houses with those nasty plastic things because people can get injured with real glasses. Personally I think that the beer tastes worse when drunk from a plastic container and secondly I don't like being treated like a child "not being allowed a glass". I have consumed alcohol from glass containers for many years without injuring myself or others and have no desire to be the laughing stock of Europe. Note that this includes drinking vessels for wine, beer and soft drinks i.e. every glass, not just "pints".

    If you prefer drinking your alcoholic beverages from real glass containers, then go to the link here and sign the petition - it will only take a couple of minutes and there is always the possibility that they will seek an alternative solution in the light of public opinion.

    Please pass the link on - the more signatories, the better the chance of stopping this insanity !

    On a personal note I would like to point out that there is no connection between my interest in this petition and the difficulties in obtaining bottle sized plastic 'glasses' !

    Life is too important to take seriously !

  • #2
    i cant believe they are actually considering this!
    Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat


    • #3
      A conspiracy theorist would say that they put forward bs like this to divert attention from the big things - like the fact that the country's criminal justice system is now run by an unelected crony. Of course, I couldn't possibly comment

      My Pointer ate the dog trainer


      • #4
        Originally posted by Gamedawn
        A conspiracy theorist would say that they put forward bs like this to divert attention from the big things - like the fact that the country's criminal justice system is now run by an unelected crony. Of course, I couldn't possibly comment

        Are you suggesting it's a .............................. .............................. .......

        Smoke screen!!!!????


        • #5
          I'll just continue to drink mine from a Bottle instead then !!!

          There's always a Payback .... And some take a Kickback !!!!
          Buncefield Burner


          • #6
            Originally posted by Surferjess
            I'll just continue to drink mine from a Bottle instead then !!!

            There's always a Payback .... And some take a Kickback !!!!
            they'll be doing plastic bottles soon then aswell we will be able to ask for teet sizes then lol


            • #7
              The reason for enforcing the use of plastic is because, when most chavs get drunk and fancy a fight they have a weapon in their hand ready to smash and use. Most of the clubs and a few bars in bournemouth all serve drinks in plastic glasses or bottles. It also saves on washing up all the glasses at the end of the night lol
              Hold my beer and watch this


              • #8
                and imagine the tons of plastic waste that will generate everyweek!
                Landcruiser Colorado
                Sub. Forester


                • #9
                  Originally posted by andycook
                  and imagine the tons of plastic waste that will generate everyweek!

                  They'll just melt them all down and make a big plastic pub!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
                    They'll just melt them all down and make a big plastic pub!
                    health and safety are obviously running out of things to do.
                    did you see how last summer soem councils hired cherry pickers to take down the conkers off the trees to stop kids climbing trees because its dangerous?!
                    when i was little i climbed trees all the time and i only fell out once. the branches i hit on the way down never did me any harm
                    there is a lot of stuff you cant do now because they have ruled it unsafe. soon kids wont know whats what when they dont get hurt every now and then. all part of growing up.
                    drinking from plastic cups in a family pub on a sunday evening. wtf
                    Oh Nana, what's my name?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by pirate-storm
                      they'll be doing plastic bottles soon then aswell we will be able to ask for teet sizes then lol

                      They have done these for years.. I used to go to weekend "raves" for want of a better word and all bottle and glasses where plastic.

                      Plastic glasses tho if broken correctly can be just as dangerous as glass for cutting someone..
                      -=I swear to drunk I'm not god=-


                      • #12
                        Here's an idea.

                        When Chav / Chavette go out and get hammered and glass someone, why dont they stick them in prison instead of giving them a big telly and a holiday?

                        It's not fair that the law abiding 99.99% of us have to change out life because of some brainless tw*t who cant hold his beer.
                        Cutting steps in the roof of the world

