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For sometime in June...

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  • For sometime in June...

    Been messing with some ideas for next time I get some stickers done.

    The 'Charlie Dont Surf' one could be done in full colour, with a Surf in the picture...
    Cutting steps in the roof of the world

  • #2

    I love the 'Recovery vehicle' one !

    But how long would you spend in the cellar if you had one on your Surf and had to be pulled out by a L* - no I can't say it !

    I've been wracking my brain for an idea for a Predictable Bob sticker that doesn't look naff and getting nowhere

    Life is too important to take seriously !


    • #3
      Originally posted by Predictable Bob

      I love the 'Recovery vehicle' one !

      But how long would you spend in the cellar if you had one on your Surf and had to be pulled out by a L* - no I can't say it !

      I've been wracking my brain for an idea for a Predictable Bob sticker that doesn't look naff and getting nowhere

      Lurch is still paying the price................


      • #4
        Originally posted by Predictable Bob
        But how long would you spend in the cellar if you had one on your Surf and had to be pulled out by a L* - no I can't say it !
        I'm still a resident
        Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


        • #5
          Prehaps we should get 'I Survived __________' stickers

          Especially the plain


          • #6
            One for the 3rd Gens

            (i don't live here anymore)

            Onwards Binky


            • #7
              Originally posted by Steve Mc
              One for the 3rd Gens

              That's the first time I've heard that !!!!!

              Today .........

              Life is too important to take seriously !


              • #8
                Originally posted by Predictable Bob
                That's the first time I've heard that !!!!!

                Today .........

                I'll add silver as well then......

                Onwards Binky


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Steve Mc
                  One for the 3rd Gens

                  (i don't live here anymore)

                  Best not let GB see that sticker. It'd make a good pair with that one Apache did.

