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hows this for being green lol

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  • hows this for being green lol

    hows this for being green lol while at the hospital today this guy had on side of his landrover protect mother earth, protect the world, & protect this n that etc n had in big letters H.O.P.E n had 10 feathers sticking out his hat n his landy was smoking more than anything ive ever seen before more smoke than a bracken fire lol

  • #2
    Have you never noted before that the zealots have the methodology of:

    Do as I say, not as I do?

    They're the biggest bunch of hypocritical pr1cks going, as a general rule of thumb. There are some good ones, but they are not usually self proclaiming, so go largely unnoticed.


    • #3
      The other day i was parked up at my uncles chatting with the family and some walkers went past! (as hes out in the country) They looked at the "TRD Off Road" stickers and said in a really annoying tree hugging tone "Well does it actually go offroad?" To which i replyed "yeah it does actually" she was quick on the gun n said "it looks clean for an offroader" So i said "thats the trouble with this weather! theres no visual indication youve been offroad because the mud has dried up" and then she came out with this " Oh me and my husband love offroading! We have an old range rover we take up the local site" an they then gave me the website on a Massive offroad pay n play site with burger vans, jet washers an toilets which is about 6 minutes drive from my front door


      • #4
        Originally posted by RodLeach
        The other day i was parked up at my uncles chatting with the family and some walkers went past! (as hes out in the country) They looked at the "TRD Off Road" stickers and said in a really annoying tree hugging tone "Well does it actually go offroad?" To which i replyed "yeah it does actually" she was quick on the gun n said "it looks clean for an offroader" So i said "thats the trouble with this weather! theres no visual indication youve been offroad because the mud has dried up" and then she came out with this " Oh me and my husband love offroading! We have an old range rover we take up the local site" an they then gave me the website on a Massive offroad pay n play site with burger vans, jet washers an toilets which is about 6 minutes drive from my front door
        bet you fell to the floor laughing m8 i would have after that

