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underside !!!!

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  • underside !!!!

    got around to undersealing the truck today used 10 litres of waxyoil
    forgot what a messy job it is put all the bash plates back on [gary]

    Only Toyota can get you out of shite

  • #2
    Did mine last weekend with my mates shaltz gun and got covered. I needed to do it though cos i drive into the sea a lot to launch my boat. Also forgot to cover the pressure gauge on the underslung air tank, but cleaned off ok with meths. Now it's all lovely and black, and water just rolls off, ummmmmm.....


    • #3
      nice job dave,i didnt know you had a s/s exhaust.


      • #4
        Originally posted by joker??
        got around to undersealing the truck today used 10 litres of waxyoil
        Did you paint all the Surf in Waxoyl? Ten litres!!! I'm a finnicky fart, but even I'd be pushed to use more than six/seven.


        • #5
          Fart's not on the filter list either.


          • #6
            Originally posted by surfenstein
            nice job dave,i didnt know you had a s/s exhaust.
            yeah mark had it put on a while after i bought the truck it comes out just behind rear wheel

            i did go a bit overboard with the underseal matt perhaps i should have said i oversealed it
            Only Toyota can get you out of shite


            • #7
              Top job!!

              Did you steam clean it first or just spray it on??


              • #8
                Originally posted by M35A2
                Top job!!

                Did you steam clean it first or just spray it on??
                used a common pressure spray the day before

                was going to use the heated pressure sprayer at work but my boss is a
                Only Toyota can get you out of shite

