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Magnum catching Big Air

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  • Magnum catching Big Air

    about half an hour before this pic was taken we had just come down a similarly rutted hill, braking into the ditch caused a BIG upset in weight distribution and he did this, but with, and im not joking 6ft between wheel and ground. I nearly soiled myself watching it, obviously it all ended well. and got to the bottom and what do you find... Phil Grinning like a Loony!!!! got to be said he handled himself brilliantly, and this was his first ever trip on the muddy stuff.

    well done mate, just think you had exactly as much experience as that 110 that was in front.

    TeaM BOFA4x4 Mac 2008


  • #2
    [QUOTE=andrewlee31]about half an hour before this pic was taken we had just come down a similarly rutted hill, braking into the ditch caused a BIG upset in weight distribution and he did this, but with, and im not joking 6ft between wheel and ground. I nearly soiled myself watching it, obviously it all ended well. and got to the bottom and what do you find... Phil Grinning like a Loony!!!! got to be said he handled himself brilliantly, and this was his first ever trip on the muddy stuff.

    well done mate, just think you had exactly as much experience as that 110 that was in front.


    What a day, thanks Drew was mint mate. Ill post my comments in the week, to much BBQ and beer so ill have to leave it for now.


    • #3
      Top driving Phil - bet you're still grinning!
      Too old to care, young enough to remember


      • #4
        Originally posted by MudSurfer
        Top driving Phil - bet you're still grinning!
        Still grinning Andrew??? well i was till i had to get into my Transit this morning. That took the edge off. lol And seeing the wife drive of to work in mi truck
        Twoz a great day, one ill never forget. It took me 5hrs to clean the bitch on Sunday, never seen so much $$$$e.
        Now i know i like it im starting on the mods, not sure what first but starting them i am. Can't wait for the next one.


        • #5
          im off to the craven arms on sunday for a bit of laning, so got that to look forward to! just think mate, it was dry as hell up there this week, quite clean coming out of there
          TeaM BOFA4x4 Mac 2008


