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Removing Diesel from brake liners

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  • Removing Diesel from brake liners

    Hi all,
    While using diesel + detergent for loosening and cleaning the mud from wheelwells and underneath the body, some of the diesel oil has gone inside the break disk pads. The braking has not been affected, but when the truck is about to stop,the brakes make a loud dragging noise. This sound is only produced in the last 1 foot of the stop distance. Surely its because of oil on the disks/ pads.

    Tried the old formula of using bakes now and then for a whole day of driving but think it suits for drying the wet pads but not to degrease the oiled pads.

    Should I open it and wash it with alcohol / petrol or rub it with wire brush, wire wool or amre paper.

    Truckin' Time

  • #2
    You can get brake cleaner in aerosol form.


    • #3
      Thanx, but may be not in this part of the world. I have to use similar products, can WD40 or Carb degeaser will work?
      Truckin' Time


      • #4
        Originally posted by turbolover
        can WD40 or Carb degeaser will work?
        god no!!!!

        don't know about the carb degreaser, should be ok.

        wd40???? no, no, no, not even nearly!

        you'll have no brakes then for sure

        if you have no choice take the wheel off, and clean the brakes with hot soapy water, rinse and let dry
        The benchmark....


        • #5
          wd40???? no, no, no, not even nearly!
          Thanx GOD, Carb cleaners works well to cleans gel and dirt from carbs, good thing is it dries up fast. Can i let it run like this and will it fade away with time?
          Truckin' Time


          • #6
            Originally posted by turbolover
            Thanx GOD, Carb cleaners works well to cleans gel and dirt from carbs, good thing is it dries up fast. Can i let it run like this and will it fade away with time?
            should do, the heat from your pads should burn up the oil residue, time will tell, don't brake hard if you can help it for now mate, good luck
            The benchmark....


            • #7
              Thanx all, great help indeed
              Truckin' Time

