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How many People did YOU Soak today ?

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  • How many People did YOU Soak today ?

    Man its grrrrreat !

    Just discovered that when on the beach in soft sand and there a big deep puddles tha most 4 x 4 avoid - the ole surf ploughs through em at 3 ft deep no problem !

    So instead of kitesurfin this weekend we ended upsrivin through the same 3 - 4 ft deep 12 ft long puddle in the sand !

    Much to the dissappointment of all the guys stranded at the beach entrance cos they wouldnt go on wet sand - huh !

    I'd like to say sorry to the lady I didnt notice at the side of the puddle when I did the last pass. Sorry, hope you didnt freeze .. . . ooops.
    Nili secundum desperandum

  • #2
    Originally posted by FlySurfer - Edy.
    Man its grrrrreat !

    Just discovered that when on the beach in soft sand and there a big deep puddles tha most 4 x 4 avoid - the ole surf ploughs through em at 3 ft deep no problem !

    So instead of kitesurfin this weekend we ended upsrivin through the same 3 - 4 ft deep 12 ft long puddle in the sand !

    Much to the dissappointment of all the guys stranded at the beach entrance cos they wouldnt go on wet sand - huh !

    I'd like to say sorry to the lady I didnt notice at the side of the puddle when I did the last pass. Sorry, hope you didnt freeze .. . . ooops.
    YOU NAUGHTY BOY. She might work at knowsley mate so be careful


    • #3
      Would you buy a used car from this man?

      Sand and salt water on a vehicle with no permenent underseal??

      I hope you washed the old girl underneath afterwards!


      • #4
        Originally posted by robnw67
        Sand and salt water on a vehicle with no permenent underseal??

        I hope you washed the old girl underneath afterwards!

        Aye she got a good blasting on one of those rota wash jobbies en route home, also found a large puddle of fresh water to wash in too (30 mph bath).

        Cheers tho !

        Marky - I'm sure she doesnt, would have been dressed for the occasion if she was !
        Nili secundum desperandum


        • #5
          Hey Flysurfer what took you so long to discover the aquatic capabilaties of the surf been trying to drown mine for ages. .

          Last edited by sumo; 17 August 2007, 08:14.
          If the puddles to deep..LEARN TO SCUBA.


          • #6
            Sumo - Confidence and lack of beach rescue mate. Now I can pull em all out !

            Nice pix down there, did it fill the interior too ?
            Nili secundum desperandum


            • #7
              Originally posted by FlySurfer - Edy.
              Sumo - Confidence and lack of beach rescue mate. Now I can pull em all out !

              Nice pix down there, did it fill the interior too ?
              Nah m8 dyr as a bone inside
              sucked a little into the engin (just misty vapour) as there is a drain hole in the air filter, a quick cough and off she went.

              Last edited by sumo; 17 August 2007, 08:14.
              If the puddles to deep..LEARN TO SCUBA.

