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Siezed dust caps

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  • Siezed dust caps

    I bought some smart blue anodized ally dust caps from hafrauds a while back, trouble is they are now stuck! Have tried molegrips and socket wrench together and still can't shift them. Anyone got any bright ideas?
    Nil illegitimi carborundum

  • #2
    Fill your kettle, switch it on, wait for it to boil, fill a mug with boiled water, place tea bag in to mug, take kettle outside and pour boiled water onto dust caps and they should be loose enough to remove.
    Go back in the house and tea should be ready for milk and sugar.

    Smear some copper-slip grease or Vaseline onto the valve stem threads before re-fitting dust caps.


    • #3
      Go back to halfrauds get them to take them off,they supplied them. If they screw up the vavle then its thier problem to get it sorted


      • #4
        bring the truck around here, some chav managed to get my metal dust caps off lol
        held mine with pliers on the valves then used a spanner on the caps it was a right barsteward thoughhey martin didnt i mention it when we was at norfolk
        Only Toyota can get you out of shite


        • #5
          Shows how oft you check your tyre pressures. Aluminium is bad for binding when it's in contact with any other metal. Make sure you do as Vince says when you pop 'em back on.


          • #6
            Originally posted by joker??
            hey martin didnt i mention it when we was at norfolk
            You did, and they were already stuck! Tried the hot water, even tried a friggin blow torch with no joy. Eventually went to halfrauds and got them to stump up for a full exchange (they now come with brass inserts) and got them to pay for all four tyres to have new valves and wheel balancing!!!
            Nil illegitimi carborundum


            • #7
              One of our biggest earners them silly wee valve caps, we have tried heating & freezing and nowt works.

              Complete valve change...Kerchiiiing

              Bets ones are them cheapo's from the £ shop, they self weld in 1 week.

