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  • Hello - how are you?

    just thought i would take the time and see how the members are?
    nice sunshine, and a cool breeze

    and whats peoples opinions on this: -
    on the way to work this morning, i was driving up the A217 towards the box hill round about. i was in the right hand lane but as there were no cars on the left i moved over - i had only just left the lights and was in front.
    so im driving up doing about 45, and i start to near the roundabout i want to turn right at, so i check mirror and see this bently right there at my rear quarter.
    i waited for a sec to see what he was doing and he was going past but slowly so i indicated. i think he was half asleed because he didnt notice me, i couldnt speed up so i started to slow, and i think he did also.
    i let him pass before moving in, when this transit came right up behind the bently. ive had my indicator on for what must of been nearly a minute.
    so i pretty much forced my way over and they had to brake, not suddenly or anything. they just didnt want me to move into their lane for some reason.
    so i had the beeping of their horn, and waving of arms.
    were now stationary at the roundabout. waved my arms back and put my indicator on as to say 'what, i had my indicator on' but this just made them more stressed.
    all i can say is 'what the fook'
    was that necessary or what ?

    also - hello to the person who nodded a hello on the way home from work yesterday near guildford
    Oh Nana, what's my name?

  • #2
    You get that all the time, seems to be just the way drivers are now, sodall concideration for others, did'nt get so much of a prob in the surf, they just got out the way, but in my sons saxo they dont want to let me in,
    A good way is to drop the window and stick yer arm out like the old turn right sign, then you can give em a thumbs up if they let you in or the finger if they dont
    Last edited by POPEYE; 19 April 2007, 10:13.
    Too young to die and too old to give a toss


    • #3
      good idea.
      i always say thanks if someone lets me go now, its a rare thing these days. i try to let people go as often as i can too.
      the further up north you go the more friendly people are generally
      Oh Nana, what's my name?


      • #4
        It always was the case, nothern hospitality! i may be looking at it through rose tinted glasses but i remember going back home on visits to Oldham that people were very friendly, always talked and front doors always open, my mum hated it down here, the people anyway, now were locked up in our little boxes and hardly know the nabours,
        the arm thing i found nearly always works, their looking at a human being trying to pull in or out as opposed to flashing amber light on a tin box and are more likly to let you go, i always let other driver go when i can, and really go into one when they dont acknowadge it, all it takes is a wave to say thanks,
        Too young to die and too old to give a toss


        • #5
          We notice it on weekends when you get the migration down the 303


          • #6
            I have this everyday, coupled with the "I thought it was manoeuvre, signal".....the signal if you are lucky!

            We have to realise that these people actually DO own the road, and as such we need to thank them when the push past for allowing us to drive on their road in the first place.

            I've been convinced that my Surf has a cloaking device fitted the amount of times I've been indicating to change lanes and noone moves at all.....so I've now put reflective red and white tape on the back to make it a little easier to see...
            Too old to care, young enough to remember


            • #7
              Originally posted by MudSurfer
              I have this everyday, coupled with the "I thought it was manoeuvre, signal".....the signal if you are lucky!

              We have to realise that these people actually DO own the road, and as such we need to thank them when the push past for allowing us to drive on their road in the first place.

              I've been convinced that my Surf has a cloaking device fitted the amount of times I've been indicating to change lanes and noone moves at all.....so I've now put reflective red and white tape on the back to make it a little easier to see...
              i had some woman go round the roundabout - TWICE i might add with no signal at all! hows that?!
              it sort of makes you want to pull out, but technically they are in the right because they are on the roundabout already.
              or people that do 30mph down (/) national speed limit zones. i curbed my alloy on my car last year because someone took a corner too sharp, come over the line and didnt even slow down.
              i was driving through streatham down a side road there were cars parked either side. this woman was driving towards me and instead of moving over she just slammed her brakes on. i nearly had a sort of head on colision!
              but yes, no indicators is a sh*t. i cant understand why people dont bother. even on motorways!
              and you would think it was the rebel- boy racer type - but it varies, its usually blokes, about 25 +
              or our indian friends who cant even see over the steering wheel.
              Oh Nana, what's my name?


              • #8
                First thing I was taught driving in London was whenever waiting at a roundabout or a stop line simply pull out in front od a Rolls / Bently / Ferrari.... These plonkers will see you first

                Anyway, we pay full road tax so it's our road, the highway code is for lesser mortals.


                • #9
                  Mirror, signal, manoever, says nothing about give way!

                  Still working for the man!


                  • #10
                    i got cut up on a roundabout yesterday by some fella in a little japanese car (some sort of dihatsu)...
                    i chased him all the way from sandhurst to bracknell reaching speeds of 100mph...
                    he broke down at the next roundabout and looked very sheepish as i poked outmy tongue and stuck my fingers up!

                    my trusty peugeot never missed a beat! (although she couldnae take anymore captain!)
                    nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!

