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What a fab day!

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  • What a fab day!

    Got up nice and early, checked the levels, and headed out south. Went through Chisldon and along some nice lanes, saw a guy in a focus go down one and stop soon after and he needed a little more ground clearance than he had....

    Went through Savernake forest and along some more lanes before getting to Easton Royal, where I lived as a child, and drove over the 'clump' the big hill at the end of the village, and for the first time in my life realised that the no through road signs didn't apply to me. From there down to Everleigh and the Plain!!!!

    Before coming home via Swindon to drop in on my beautiful neices, Awen (10 months) and Gina Romana (nearly 4)...topped off with a BBQ in my front garden, enjoying the sun and watching the world go (speeding) by....

    I'm soooooooooo glad I bought my Surf, cos without it - today would have been dull!!!!!
    Too old to care, young enough to remember

  • #2
    cracking day.. pulled the steps off ferrets truck (while he cut my lawn! ride on mowers are great.. ) Got the bike started!!!!! hooray!!! and then off to ferrets for a barbie. nice. (why is the top of my head glowing? )
    it's in me shed, mate.

