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Broken leg again.

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  • Broken leg again.

    Ah well, tomorrow back to the hospital to have plaster taken off and leg checked. As i broke Tibula and Fibula on the 1st March, i am hoping that tomorrow they will not put new plaster or whatever, right up to the top of my thigh. Atleast if i can bend my knee, then maybe i can drive the car, as not much effort needed to press the accelorator.
    As its only 47 days since i broke it, i may be asking too much, but not driving the car is driving me crazy.
    I have heard that if lots of people pray for something at the same time, it can work.
    So if you could all stop Sunday lunch for one minute, say at 2pm and pray that my bones heal quicker than has ever been known, i would be very grateful.
    No blame will be attached to Forum members if it doesn't work, as i don't want everyone feeling guilty.
    Happy Sunday
    Still Searching,
    Dick Whittington

  • #2

    wish you a speedy recovery...

    plenty of rest... stand on it as much as it will bear... to counteract the immobilisation... loading will encourage it to knit together stronger...

    don't take any ibuprofen... (or any of the drugs relatives - stops the bones knitting apparently)

    and Glutamine... plenty of it regularly... with a multi-vitamin

    working a treat for me... I am about a month ahead of schedule... with my knee...


    • #3
      Thanks Andy,
      I was going to get some Ibuforen, but won't now. It wasn't for leg anyway, as luckily have had no pain.
      Thanks Philip
      Still Searching,
      Dick Whittington


      • #4
        Pressing the throttle pedal doesn't take much effort, but the brake pedal does!


        • #5
          A little late but, prayer said, good luck m8 hope it heels well and soon.


          • #6
            Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
            Pressing the throttle pedal doesn't take much effort, but the brake pedal does!
            Its an Auto, you only need one leg to drive it anyway.
            4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


            • #7
              Was thinking, as only going local and only slowly, no M/Way driving of course, could i not use my other foot for braking or is there a law against it.
              Also meant to say to Andy, sorry about your knee. Hope no pain was involved.
              Still Searching,
              Dick Whittington


              • #8
                You can use the other foot, but it gets a bit confuseing, i did it once when i picked up the yank, seemed like it was gonna cut out on me so tried to keep it revving while brakeing, result was it kangerooed down the road with everybody and his dog laughing at me,
                Hope ya leg is better soon,
                Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                • #9
                  Originally posted by ian619
                  You can use the other foot, but it gets a bit confuseing, i did it once when i picked up the yank, seemed like it was gonna cut out on me so tried to keep it revving while brakeing, result was it kangerooed down the road with everybody and his dog laughing at me,
                  Hope ya leg is better soon,
                  It takes some practice, the trouble is your left leg is trained to push the clutch down all the way, and it takes some getting used to only pressing gently when slowing up.

                  I've had old cars in the past that wouldn't idle, its easier to use you heel on the brake while using your toe to press the throttle to keep it running, and you can also pretend you're a rally driver!!!

                  4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


                  • #10
                    Thanks Tony. I may need a quick oil change as car is 5 days overdue for MOT and was wondering if it was a good idea to have clean oil for emission check??
                    Still Searching,
                    Dick Whittington


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Philip
                      Thanks Tony. I may need a quick oil change as car is 5 days overdue for MOT and was wondering if it was a good idea to have clean oil for emission check??
                      not unless your oil is going to be emitted from the exhaust.

                      clean air, clean fuel and a good mixture is what's needed.
                      nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


                      • #12
                        So how did it go?

                        Hope you got a short plaster

                        Not sure if your insurance would cover you if anything happened whilst driving with a cast on though


                        • #13
                          Plastered again

                          This time only short plaster, so can now bend my knee quite a bit. I am going to give the car a go shortly, so will let you know.
                          Bones seem to be healing OK but its only 47 days since the big bang.
                          Rgds Philip
                          Still Searching,
                          Dick Whittington


                          • #14
                            You mean to say you broke your leg 47 days ago and didnt let us know?.......


                            • #15

                              Can drive the car OK. Of course need to take it easy, but once again i have the big Surf or in my case 4Runner stupid grin on my face.
                              T%hanks Philip
                              Still Searching,
                              Dick Whittington

