Hi all i know this is not surf related
but after all the help you guys have given me with me surf i thought i would ask here first my uncle is looking for a replacement air con pump as his seems to have seized for his land cruiser
does anyone know where i can get one from near the manchester area as i have said i will try and find him one in return for loads of work he is going to do on my surf
aux fuel tank
roof bars
light pods etc
any help or a gentle nudge in the right direction would be much appreciated
when im here has anyone carried out an aux fuel tank installation as i would be interested to hear how they went about it got a rough idea on how im going to work it would like to know if anyone has come across and issues whilst adding another tank
cheers advance keep up the excellent work i have recommended this site to everyone i know with a surf
but after all the help you guys have given me with me surf i thought i would ask here first my uncle is looking for a replacement air con pump as his seems to have seized for his land cruiser
does anyone know where i can get one from near the manchester area as i have said i will try and find him one in return for loads of work he is going to do on my surf
aux fuel tank
roof bars
light pods etc
any help or a gentle nudge in the right direction would be much appreciated
when im here has anyone carried out an aux fuel tank installation as i would be interested to hear how they went about it got a rough idea on how im going to work it would like to know if anyone has come across and issues whilst adding another tank
cheers advance keep up the excellent work i have recommended this site to everyone i know with a surf