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Website update

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  • Website update


    Managed finally to get some new pictures up to the website - plus I added a text based navigation for those Firefox users out there (haven't worked out how to make the Javascript nav. work in FF yet!).

    Anyway, please check:


    for our last trip report and I mean last, sat down last night and took a good look at our finances (or lack thereof) and our future. Looks 100% definate thet we'll be back Blighty side and will both be needing jobs come the 1st of July.

    The other thing is that we'll need to sell the Bundubasher in order to fund our air tickets home and if we can't sell it we'll rent it out to someone who wants to make the journet from Kenya to Zimbabwe - taking as long as they want as long as the vehicle gets to our Zimbabwean home in one piece! Anytakers?

  • #2
    Fantastic pictures, sounds like you had a great time!!!

    Unfortunately i can't help with the vehicle although I would love to i'll have to stick with green laning in Hampshire.......not quite the same though!

    Born to be wild!!


    • #3
      Thanks for looking anyway...but we'll have to sell it or rent it by the 1st of July so I'll put the details on my website just in case anyone is interested.

      BTW: how much does it usually cost (inc. parts) for a stealer to change the timing belt on a 3 litre diesel?

