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  • #31
    and would say she looks like a German Shepherd cross.

    She needs 2 injections for infectious diseases (normally Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvovirus, Parainfluenza and Leptospirosis), normally given 2 weeks apart then boosters every year for Lepto and Parainfluenza and every 3yrs for the others).

    Flea treatment is normalyl found in the form of a spot-on that goes on the back of the neck. ost can only be got from the vet, but Frontline can be bought from supermarkets or the internet.

    Worming is also important - every 3 months with a product like Drontal (also available on the internet) - dont waste your money on any of the Bob Martin's stuff available from pet shops - it just dont work!


    • #32
      Originally posted by Nikki
      i dont think we're a rip off at all - strangely enough i have to earn a living! I'd quite like to mend all sick animals for free, but somehow I have to pay the rent and all the bills and the socking great 5 figure loan i had to take out to put myself through uni to do this job which really sucks when in general most people are just so ungrateful!
      I wasn't very grateful when I took my dog in because he had a lump on his stomach. I phoned two days later when they hadn't called me and they said "he's fine, he just needs antibiotics". When I went to get him, they said the lump was one of his b0llocks so they cut it off in case it had cancer, then they cut the other one off in case it had spread. A week later they phoned and said "good news, it wasn't cancerous". So they had cut my dog's nuts off for no reason at all, without my permission, and charged me 200 hundred quid for the privilege.

      I actually thought it was quite funny, expecially that evil look he used to give me for the rest of his life

      Vets are a bit like garages though, good ones are brilliant and bad ones are just thieving shysters.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Nikki
        i dont think we're a rip off at all - strangely enough i have to earn a living! I'd quite like to mend all sick animals for free, but somehow I have to pay the rent and all the bills and the socking great 5 figure loan i had to take out to put myself through uni to do this job which really sucks when in general most people are just so ungrateful!
        Most vets are fantastic, and I have nothing but respect for good old fashioned Vetenaries, but some of the advances made in fixing people now being used on animals can lead to bills running into thousands, and the animal going through all sorts of trauma, as well as the owner being faced with having to get finance to pay for it, or paying for insurance they may never need. The thing with Frontline pricing doesn't inspire when it can cost twice the ammount to buy it from a vet as anywhere else...also it can be almost impossible to get out of hours help(much like doctors, now...)Apart from that,vets are great!
        it's in me shed, mate.


        • #34
          Next angry kittens........ http://rathergood.com/300_kittens/


          • #35
            The rude hedgehogs are good


            • #36
              Some nice little kitens here :http://www.rathergood.com/independent_woman/
              Rick...Member of 1st Gen club. ONE LIFE ... GET ONE !!


              • #37
                Originally posted by da SLUG man
                so, what do they do??
                If you want to find out what they do,find a field with lots of rabbits in it and let her off the lead.If she dont do nuffink then she aint a lurcher,wot ever she is judging by the size of her feet she's gonna be large.
                If the puddles to deep..LEARN TO SCUBA.


                • #38
                  We all have to earn a living Nikki and most of us have had to take on debt whilst training etc. Will you drop your prices when you have gained your money back and are on a level playing field? I doubt it.

                  No one minds paying a reasonable sum to keep their pets healthy, what people object to is gross overpricing.

                  I took my Jack Russell to the vets because he was chewing his tail. It took the vet 5 minutes to diagnose impacted anal gland (a common ailment), clean his butt (the dogs not the vets), give him one antibiotic injection and 3 tablets to take later. In and out of the vets in less than 10 minutes, total cost £60. If you work that out to an hourly rate it's around £360 an hour. No wonder animal cruelty is so high in this country, a lot of people simply can't afford to have their pets treated.

                  Angry rant over!
                  'Tis better to sting than to be stung!


                  • #39
                    i paid for my own training but still struggle to convince anyone that i'm worth £10 an hour!
                    nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!

