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French Train

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  • French Train

    Just watched this clip of the french tgv reaching 357mph


    great is`nt it, we struggle to keep ours on the rails.I thought we were ment to be the pioneers of the railways,looks like we`ve taken a few steps backwards,again
    Stella Artois

  • #2
    AWESOME like the japanese BULLET TRAIN
    What if it hit an object at that speed


    • #3
      Originally posted by marky
      AWESOME like the japanese BULLET TRAIN
      What if it hit an object at that speed
      Hope the buses were not damaged.


      • #4
        Originally posted by andy
        Hope the buses were not damaged.
        I doubt it


        • #5
          This train was developed to allow their Generals and Troops to reach any invading armies and surrender quicker.


          • #6
            Originally posted by The Hornet
            This train was developed to allow their Generals and Troops to reach any invading armies and surrender quicker.
            nice 1

            i did't like the french, btbh now they have my upmost respect due to the fact that they encourage home grown engineering to the max.

            the superb public transport, that runs flawless, The amazing sky bridge(british design i know) and most of the modern buildings in paris, grand designs in engineering.

            will we one day be as good at engineering a public transport system as the french. i doubt it.

            we used to be the best in the world, our forefathers paved the way for modern transport and technology.

            but we sold it all off, closed the mills and factorys, shut down 95% of the steel industries, closed the ship building yards ,and now we have no car industries either.

            my blood boils at how we have lost our grip, we fight other peoples wars. costing us billions.

            if our forefathers knew that the grand and very great british empire ,that millions lost there lives to uphold, would turn out to be the washed out , sh!t box it is now.

            would we still have won?

            phew, rant over, sorry
            Last edited by huff_diggler; 4 April 2007, 18:51.
            The benchmark....


            • #7
              And now the British Government is expected to apologise for the slave trade!

              Well I must say it was/is unforgivable to traffic in human kind, but it was 200 years ago and we must move on.
              This country will never go forward all the time people are dragging us backwards, these people who complain and demand apologies for past political and humanitarian issues are only in it for the publicity and to grind their axes. The axe they are grinding is yet again the coloured one.

              They were never slaves and their ancestors are long dead, my own people ( the Irish) were treated incredibly badly by the british gov and armed forces for many hundreds of years, and so was the rest of the world, including the scottish, Empires are not built on bieng friendly with everyone!

              In fact the Brittish were enslave d by the Romans,and then the French, should we demand an apology from the Italian and French Governments??

              Am I whining about it, NO! I am getting on with MY life, They should do the same!

              Still working for the man!


              • #8
                Originally posted by huff_diggler
                nice 1

                i did't like the french, btbh now they have my upmost respect due to the fact that they encourage home grown engineering to the max.

                the superb public transport, that runs flawless, The amazing sky bridge(british design i know) and most of the modern buildings in paris, grand designs in engineering.

                will we one day be as good at engineering a public transport system as the french. i doubt it.

                we used to be the best in the world, our forefathers paved the way for modern transport and technology.

                but we sold it all off, closed the mills and factorys, shut down 95% of the steel industries, closed the ship building yards ,and now we have no car industries either.

                my blood boils at how we have lost our grip, we fight other peoples wars. costing us billions.

                if our forefathers knew that the grand and very great british empire ,that millions lost there lives to uphold, would turn out to be the washed out , sh!t box it is now.

                would we still have won?

                phew, rant over, sorry
                But we were also guilty of lack of vision. We created the rail roads and then put lots of bridges over them and made the rails so narrow that now we have no chance of being able to upgrade the trains to any real standard...without moving all the bridges...lolol
                [I][B]96 3rd Gen in bluuuueeeee[/B]I]


                • #9
                  Originally posted by angusglover
                  But we were also guilty of lack of vision. We created the rail roads and then put lots of bridges over them and made the rails so narrow that now we have no chance of being able to upgrade the trains to any real standard...without moving all the bridges...lolol

                  maybe we should look to getting a monorail system, but being as it is in the country, i will end up like that one from the simpsons
                  The benchmark....


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by The Hornet
                    This train was developed to allow their Generals and Troops to reach any invading armies and surrender quicker.
                    It was to get the IMMIGRANTS through the Channel tunnel quicker.
                    (='.'=) SQUIRREL MUNCHER GRRRRRRR

