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Failed MOT!

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  • Failed MOT!

    Well I checked my MOT last week coz the road Tax was due, shock horror.......MOT ran out on 7th FEBRARY........Damn!

    Phoned garage, couldn't book me in until today.
    I know the track rod end and the steering idler are worn coz the guy who I asked to set up the steering geo said he couldn't do it until those parts were replaced.

    I also have a leak on the fuel pump ( see previous threads) and the fog light has never worked.

    So I get the phone call, it's failed ( I'm now thinking SORN until I get bits sorted) on Head lights too low ( coz springs were shot, now replaced) and fog light don' work, bulb ok, wiring faulty.

    Do I want him to replace wiring, I said just do it.

    Wiring done, head lights adjusted, new MOT £85.00.


    Now I can get my road tax, and have got some time to get the other bits sorted.
    About time I had a little bit of luck with it.
    Last edited by plumb bob; 2 April 2007, 23:43.

    Still working for the man!

  • #2
    good to hear something's lookin up for yer surf mate, hows the fuel pump going?
    =SOLD UP!=


    • #3
      Your car should NEVER have passed, sounds like you got a dodgy MOT geezer = great if you know the probs not so good otherwise. It's your arse and everybody else who you might trash. Report the grease monkey before he kills someone.


      • #4
        Originally posted by AuldNick
        Your car should NEVER have passed, sounds like you got a dodgy MOT geezer = great if you know the probs not so good otherwise. It's your arse and everybody else who you might trash. Report the grease monkey before he kills someone.
        I know, but this is one of the more thorough MOT stations in this area,I'll give hime the benifit of the doubt on the fuel leak, as it is small and only leaks once engins has warmed up, and sometimes not at all.

        The steering idler and the track rod end may not be faulty enough to fail MOT, (I don't know, I'm not a mechanic with MOT qualification) the steering gear on these vehicles is pretty robust compared to "normal" cars and maybe he didn't nitice.

        Anyway, all I know is I got my ticket, and I will now order the new steering parts and get them fitted.

        This veicle is not my daily driver, only did 2000 miles between MOT's.
        I know what you are saying, but this area is like the wild west, full of cowboys in every trade.
        I checked the HSE website for tis area, not 1 investigation in the last three years (construction industry) even though I have personally reported THREE incidents which were a theat to life!

        If HSE don't care, then what chance the rest of us!

        Still working for the man!

