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Sad time

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  • #16
    Sorry to hear of your Loss mate. We are here if you need us .


    • #17
      I feel for you, Spoggle. Take comfort from the fact that you were there for him, and you can be there for your mum.
      As has been said, if you want to come and blow off steam, we're always here.

      I am not a number. I am a FREE MAN!


      • #18
        Originally posted by Spoggle
        Hi guys. Having a lousy time at the moment. Lost my dad on Saturday afternoon. He had been diagnosed with lung cancer just a couple of days before Christmas. He had Radio Therapy during January and looked to be doing O.k till about 5 or 6 weeks ago. Then I could see he was starting to go down hill, started to get unsteady on his pin's and lost his appetite. He was taken into hospital a week past Saturday and put on morphine on Thursday, I recon the cancer had spread. Went to visit him on Saturday and he died whilst I was holding his hand, I'm glad I was there with him at the end although I don't think he was aware of the fact. Well now I'm trying to arrange everything for my mam and trying to keep every thing together. He was a smashing bloke and had a good life , he was 81, and I'm really going to miss him. Reading some of the things you guy's write on here helps to take some of the pain away. Sorry if I'm being morbid. Ill be back soon

        You have my heart felt sympathy m8.That bloddy thing took my dad too just hang in there you and your family will pull through it.Give your mam a hug from me please.
        If the puddles to deep..LEARN TO SCUBA.


        • #19
          I'm very sorry to hear about your loss mate. My deepest sympathy to you and your family.


          • #20
            Thanks for all the kind words of support Guys, It helps to talk to someone at a time like this, even if we have never met face to face. Cant say how much this has meant to me and the family and how much we appreciate your words and thoughts.

            A heart felt 'Cheers' Spoggle

