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  • Help!!!!

    I can't win. In trouble for the truck and now this http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/6505423.stm
    them lot!!!
    My other cars a QUAD
    (sv1000spilot on surf forums)

  • #2
    If they do that I'm disconnecting it! What's the point of having a bike that goes as slow as a car?
    The more rules they introduce the more I'm inclined to break them.


    • #3
      At least if they do you'll be able to catch up to couriers and tw@t them one!
      Nil illegitimi carborundum


      • #4

        Many years ago I was driving through Earls Court and a courier threaded his way through the traffic and planted himself on the white line between me and another car. When the lights turned green I pulled away and noticed a slight bump - when I looked in my wing mirror the courier was still stationary with a pained look on his face ....... it appears that he'd put his foot in front of my wheel and then suffered the consequences for not watching the lights !

        My resultant grin was nearly of Surf proportions !

        Life is too important to take seriously !


        • #5
          Originally posted by Predictable Bob

          Many years ago I was driving through Earls Court and a courier threaded his way through the traffic and planted himself on the white line between me and another car. When the lights turned green I pulled away and noticed a slight bump - when I looked in my wing mirror the courier was still stationary with a pained look on his face ....... it appears that he'd put his foot in front of my wheel and then suffered the consequences for not watching the lights !

          My resultant grin was nearly of Surf proportions !

          Nice one! One ran into the back of me the other day and then rode off!
          Nil illegitimi carborundum


          • #6
            If they do do that then they will have to restrict all the cars too cos car death out number bike deaths. What are the chances of that happening??? its just more government propaganda to get us worked up!
            it never rain it pours! glad I got the 4X4


            • #7
              Sorry, that will be my fault... I spent yesterday putting a gpz1000rx motor in my 900r*. nearly finished it.... sods law says , soon as its done, i'll have to blank off 2 of the cylinders....

              * for those not of a 2 wheel disposition its 125 hp instead of around 100...
              it's in me shed, mate.


              • #8
                Ye Gods!

                This idiocy has surfaced yet again... As always, proposed by people who have NEVER been on a bike, and have no idea about the physics of why a bike stays wheel-side down.
                Another one for the no-win, no-fee sharks to rub their hands over:

                "The crash was caused by the speed limiter reducing the power when the bike was leaned over, causing the suspension to dip, and the bike to understeer into the path of the oncoming bus. The family of the deceased are VERY upset about this..."

                I am not a number. I am a FREE MAN!


                • #9
                  Lets just hope this goes the same as the 100bhp limit, and leg protectors.
                  Gone from 4x4 to 1x2


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Maverick
                    Lets just hope this goes the same as the 100bhp limit, and leg protectors.
                    Remember the idea for airbags on a bike and how stupid we though it was??

                    Look at this http://www.motoair.com/ . why don't we all get wrapped in cotton wool at birth

                    or this http://www.webbikeworld.com/Motorcyc...cle-airbag.htm , can just imagine that going off by mistake!!!
                    Last edited by sv1000spilot; 2 April 2007, 20:07. Reason: missed a link
                    My other cars a QUAD
                    (sv1000spilot on surf forums)


                    • #11
                      some cars are fitted with speed limiters, Bently's for instance, are limited to 155 MPH.
                      Now thats nice and safe!

                      Still working for the man!


                      • #12
                        As long as we have bike hating loonies like Jeremy (the muppet) Clarkson the grey suited pink shirt wearing MP's will listen to any anti bike tripe.

