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pasting pic

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  • pasting pic

    [IMG]C:\Documents and Settings\Ian\My Documents\surf.jpg[/IMG]
    ill try the pic thing again grrrrrrr
    [IMG]http://C:\Documents and Settings\Ian\My Documents[/IMG]

  • #2
    Originally posted by sychowand
    [IMG]C:\Documents and Settings\Ian\My Documents\surf.jpg[/IMG]
    ill try the pic thing again grrrrrrr
    press add this file


    • #3
      Originally posted by sychowand
      [IMG]C:\Documents and Settings\Ian\My Documents\surf.jpg[/IMG]
      ill try the pic thing again grrrrrrr

      Under the text box where you type your post is OPTIONS click on MANAGE ATTACHMENTS another box will appear MANAGE ATTACHMENTS
      click on browse select photo from the files on your pc the link for these will appear in the browse box. Click on ADD THIS FILE might take a few seconds depending on the size of the picture. In the bottom half of the manage attachments box will be you photo link/address/name when you have selected the ones you want (note: you can only attach 5 per post) click on all done and submit your reply
      Last edited by Koi; 6 February 2004, 14:00.
      Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

      My 4x4
      My choice
      Back off


      • #4
        i tried that

        cheers koi but thats what i done and still no good it also wont let me open the image you attatched....... could you open mine?
        [IMG]http://C:\Documents and Settings\Ian\My Documents[/IMG]


        • #5
          Originally posted by sychowand
          cheers koi but thats what i done and still no good it also wont let me open the image you attatched....... could you open mine?
          Was no image to open on my post, just cut to much of another post and pasted it here, sorry.
          If you are trying to put a pic in your signature (like hormygollops, Keith)then thats different, you need to do that via your profile.
          Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

          My 4x4
          My choice
          Back off

