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Davewilson and Drunkmonkey

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  • #31
    Originally posted by clayton8798
    Nice one i'm gonna have a good watch of these


    • #32
      If we just head into Baldhu itself, we can ask someone.


      • #33
        Originally posted by clayton8798
        If we just head into Baldhu itself, we can ask someone.

        if you want i can meet you near chacewater garden centre a bit earlier if you want.
        The club charge £15 to drive


        • #34
          Is that the one by the cross roads, just down from Wickes and all them. Which way you coming, straight out through Druth? If you want i could cut throught the back lanes to Four Lanes?


          • #35
            Originally posted by clayton8798
            Is that the one by the cross roads, just down from Wickes and all them. Which way you coming, straight out through Druth? If you want i could cut throught the back lanes to Four Lanes?
            I'm meeting Shaun at Chivvy X and then i'll come down Penstraze and turn off for Chacewater which will come out next to Chacewater garden centre


            • #36
              Yeah ok. So we gonna go sample this place, and maybe do some lanes in the afternoon depending on how Baldhu goes?


              • #37
                Originally posted by clayton8798
                Yeah ok. So we gonna go sample this place, and maybe do some lanes in the afternoon depending on how Baldhu goes?
                I will only go to have a look and not drive it as it will be too much for me but if you and Shaun want to have a play then i don't mind and then go look for some lanes after


                • #38
                  The lane i said i didnt wanna go down by myself the other day is in between Penstraze and Threemilestone. Its before the bridge over the train track on the right, coming from Penstraze. But could go from other end.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by clayton8798
                    The lane i said i didnt wanna go down by myself the other day is in between Penstraze and Threemilestone. Its before the bridge over the train track on the right, coming from Penstraze. But could go from other end.
                    i think i know the one your on about shall we meet at chivvy then and have a look at that one on the way thru


                    • #40
                      Yeah if we do that then ill take ya down a couple more in Blackwater that meet up with the other end of that one, then we can do that from there. Which will bring us out by the train bridge, then hang a right and head over to Baldhu.
                      Sound ok?


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by clayton8798
                        Yeah if we do that then ill take ya down a couple more in Blackwater that meet up with the other end of that one, then we can do that from there. Which will bring us out by the train bridge, then hang a right and head over to Baldhu.
                        Sound ok?
                        sounds good to me..what time do you wanna meet up cause if its earlier then 10am i will have to let shaun know


                        • #42
                          Ten is cool mate.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by clayton8798
                            Ten is cool mate.
                            ok.i'll speak to shaun tomorrow night just to make sure he's still coming


                            • #44

                              Found the coil and leaf spring club venue for tomorrow. Its a proper trial event. The gates shut at 11 but i spoke to the guys setting the course up today who said we r welcome to park up the lane and spectate.
                              And i know a nice route from there too. But we can talk proper in the morning.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by clayton8798

                                Found the coil and leaf spring club venue for tomorrow. Its a proper trial event. The gates shut at 11 but i spoke to the guys setting the course up today who said we r welcome to park up the lane and spectate.
                                And i know a nice route from there too. But we can talk proper in the morning.
                                Ideal.That must of been Julian you spoke to then today the owner of the club.See you at 10a.m at chivvy

