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Whats the country coming to?

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  • Whats the country coming to?

    A furnature shop has had two Robertsons Golly dolls confiscated by the police as someone said there where offensive... EH??

    -=I swear to drunk I'm not god=-

  • #2
    Shop ought to do 'em for racial prejudice. It's pathetic.


    • #3
      Another example of P.C. gone wrong


      • #4
        -=I swear to drunk I'm not god=-


        • #5
          Originally posted by Woodzie
          Another example of P.C. gone wrong

          My p.c. went wrong, but spybot and AVG sorted it!


          • #6
            what is this world coming too


            • #7
              Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
              My p.c. went wrong, but spybot and AVG sorted it!
              The benchmark....


              • #8
                “The shop owner said a white woman asked for the dolls to be removed because her black boyfriend was offended”.

                All I can say is that the boyfriend must be a very insecure person.

                I work in a research institute surrounded by many different nationalities. A few years ago I was sent out to Nigeria to do some work with a mixed team of English, Welsh and Nigerian colleagues. We all got on very well and each of us ended up with nick names, one of the team was a big black man… so he was named “big black chief” although I thought this wasn’t right at first, it soon became obvious that he loved the name. We’d take the mick out of each other all the time. I still call him “Chief” to this day….. he calls me the black mamba…. something to do with me being a snake wrangler.

                I think the bottom line is that some people waste too much time skirting around issues of race instead of building up good friendships and having a laugh.
                Mine WAS a 150 bhp V6 and ran on PETROL


                • #9
                  I can understand both points; initially the gollywog was apparently used offensively in some circles, but on the other hand many of the comments already stand true.

                  You dont see us whities 9as some of my friends call us) going into a shop run by a coloured person and stating we are offended by them have white dolls etc in the windows.P.C has got a lot to answer for.

                  Apparently when I was younger [cant remember how old] but my mother told me I used to like playing with the gollywog doll that I had been bought.

                  Just shows that its the adults who create unnecessary situations between races and not the young children

