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new surf for me loada probs

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  • new surf for me loada probs

    have just brought surf auto 2.4td. new to big toys, ex metro owner.
    problems are the turbo keeps whistling.
    and when turning whell and engine is on or moving a very bad screech but it is not the stops or any other thing posted . if look down through the engine, what i believe is the power steering pump the nut that the belt is attached to keeps jolting please help................

  • #2
    Originally posted by gruffnut85
    have just brought surf auto 2.4td. new to big toys, ex metro owner.
    problems are the turbo keeps whistling.
    and when turning whell and engine is on or moving a very bad screech but it is not the stops or any other thing posted . if look down through the engine, what i believe is the power steering pump the nut that the belt is attached to keeps jolting please help................
    hi and welcome.
    Your turbo is meant to whistle and you should be able to hear it


    • #3
      Originally posted by gruffnut85
      have just brought surf auto 2.4td. new to big toys, ex metro owner.
      problems are the turbo keeps whistling.
      and when turning whell and engine is on or moving a very bad screech but it is not the stops or any other thing posted . if look down through the engine, what i believe is the power steering pump the nut that the belt is attached to keeps jolting please help................
      I assume its an AUTO screeching could be the power steering belt as you say its loose.


      • #4
        That's probs! Both relatively minor, IMHO.


        • #5
          welcome to the nut house your get all the help you need here,
          the turbos are suppose to whistle.


          • #6
            Originally posted by gruffnut85
            have just brought surf auto 2.4td. new to big toys, ex metro owner.
            problems are the turbo keeps whistling.
            and when turning whell and engine is on or moving a very bad screech but it is not the stops or any other thing posted . if look down through the engine, what i believe is the power steering pump the nut that the belt is attached to keeps jolting please help................

            Hi and welcome, as said before, the turbo does whistle on these vehicles, the loose nut you speak of, is it the pulley wheel on the bottom of the engine? if so then thats the crank pully, and will need to be replaced.

            Parts cost about £140.00.

            So not really many problems at all then.

            Still working for the man!

