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  • Yotatech

    YOTATECH has gone MAD its full of POLLS

  • #2
    sounds a bit like the UK

    cheers scotty


    • #3
      Originally posted by marky
      YOTATECH has gone MAD its full of POLLS
      So is Harrow , thats why I'm moving
      Rick...Member of 1st Gen club. ONE LIFE ... GET ONE !!


      • #4
        Not these POLLS
        English expression Polish translation Sounds like
        Good morning Dzien dobry dzhehn dobri
        Good afternoon Dobry wieczor dobri vyehchoor
        Good night Dobranoc dobrahnots
        Good bye Do widzenia do veedzehnah
        See you later Do zobaczenia do zobahchehnah
        It's nice to meet you Milo mi meewo mee (Cats only)
        Excuse me Przepraszam pshehprahshahm
        Yes Tak tahk
        No Nie neh
        Please Prosze prosheh
        Thank you Dziekuje dzhehnkooyeh
        That's all right W porzadku fpozhontku
        I'm sorry Przepraszam pshehprahshahm
        Hello Dzien dobry dzhehn dobri
        Hi Czesc cheshch
        How do you do Jak sie masz yahk syeh mash
        I understand Rozumiem rozoomyehm
        Please say that again Prosze to powtorzyc prosheh to poftoozhitsh
        Where? Gdzie? gdzheh
        What? Co? tso
        What is this? Co to jest? tso to yehst
        How? Jak? yahk
        How much?/How many? Ile? eeleh
        What does this mean? Co to znaczy? tso to znahchi
        When? Kiedy? kyehdi
        I'm lost Zgubilem sie zgoobeewehm syeh
        I'm sick Jestem chory yehstehm hori
        I'm tired Jestem zmeczony yehstehm zmehnchoni
        I'm hungry Jestem glodny yehstehm gwodni
        I'm thirsty Chce mi sie pic htseh mi syeh peetsh
        I'm in a hurry Spiesze sie spyehshe syeh
        Please take me to Prosze mnie zawiezc prosheh mneh zahvyehsytsh


        • #5
          have you read the reply from texas jim on the end of my newbie thread.apparently ive got to spank you lot. http://www.yotatech.com/showthread.php?t=109720
          Last edited by surfenstein; 15 March 2007, 22:40.


          • #6
            Originally posted by marky
            Not these POLLS
            English expression Polish translation Sounds like
            Good morning Dzien dobry dzhehn dobri
            Good afternoon Dobry wieczor dobri vyehchoor
            Good night Dobranoc dobrahnots
            Good bye Do widzenia do veedzehnah
            See you later Do zobaczenia do zobahchehnah
            It's nice to meet you Milo mi meewo mee (Cats only)
            Excuse me Przepraszam pshehprahshahm
            Yes Tak tahk
            No Nie neh
            Please Prosze prosheh
            Thank you Dziekuje dzhehnkooyeh
            That's all right W porzadku fpozhontku
            I'm sorry Przepraszam pshehprahshahm
            Hello Dzien dobry dzhehn dobri
            Hi Czesc cheshch
            How do you do Jak sie masz yahk syeh mash
            I understand Rozumiem rozoomyehm
            Please say that again Prosze to powtorzyc prosheh to poftoozhitsh
            Where? Gdzie? gdzheh
            What? Co? tso
            What is this? Co to jest? tso to yehst
            How? Jak? yahk
            How much?/How many? Ile? eeleh
            What does this mean? Co to znaczy? tso to znahchi
            When? Kiedy? kyehdi
            I'm lost Zgubilem sie zgoobeewehm syeh
            I'm sick Jestem chory yehstehm hori
            I'm tired Jestem zmeczony yehstehm zmehnchoni
            I'm hungry Jestem glodny yehstehm gwodni
            I'm thirsty Chce mi sie pic htseh mi syeh peetsh
            I'm in a hurry Spiesze sie spyehshe syeh
            Please take me to Prosze mnie zawiezc prosheh mneh zahvyehsytsh
            Matt ya missed the two most important

            Beer Piwo Pivo
            Tea Chie Chi
            'a few More'
            Car Machinia Machine
            Bus/Coach Autobusm Autobus

            There's always a Payback .... You just can't see it Comin !!!!
            Buncefield Burner


            • #7
              Originally posted by vatchman
              have you read the reply from texas jim on the end of my newbie thread.apparently ive got to spank you lot. http://www.yotatech.com/showthread.php?t=109720
              AFTER you've given 'Stein 4x4 back.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Surferjess
                Matt ya missed the two most important


                • #9
                  Originally posted by MattF
                  AFTER you've given 'Stein 4x4 back.
                  what makes you think i havnt.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by vatchman
                    what makes you think i havnt.
                    Have you?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by MattF
                      Have you?
                      thats the question have i or havnt i.

