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Dictator State

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  • Dictator State

    Latest is that soon you won't be able to buy normal light bulbs only long life.
    No one mentions that mercury gas (i Think) is involved with making them and that also as they take time to heat up, its better to leave them on longer, than switching them of, everytime you leave the room. It would appear that milloions of pounds would be spent by consumers whose equipement will not take the new bulbs.
    Why Tony Blair wants to lead the world in enviromental laws, i don't know,is it just for his ego. They are now knocking the large scale use of bio and Ethanol as they say that the land used to grow it would be taken from land to grow food. There are billions of acres worldwide where growing sugar cane and corn etc could be grown. This could help poorer countries economically and like oil, could be imported in large tankers. Ethanol and bio can be produced from left over plants like corn etc.
    I am beginning to think that a lot of it is a big con. There are thousands of people making lots of money from the green issue. If they suddenly discovered that global warming was a natural occurrence there would be many scientists etc etc who would be out of a job.
    Interesting program on tv the other night, with lots of emminent scientists refuting the causes of global warming, one being that measurements taken over a few years comparing CO2 emissions with temp rise did not follow, whereas chart showing sunspots followed temp rise exactly.
    Still Searching,
    Dick Whittington

  • #2
    If the Government is promoting it of course it's a con.


    • #3
      Did you break your leg changing a light bulb??


      • #4
        No, carrying 47 kls of Fuel Cat's to send to France.
        Still Searching,
        Dick Whittington


        • #5
          Hey Philip I think its a Lot of HOT air & all about "Green" = Money

          There's always a Payback .... You just won't see it Comin !!!!
          Buncefield Burner

